Angelina ruffled Brad's manhood!
On the heels of the frenzied gossip over the alleged break-up of Brangelina (ball-buster Jolie apparently cheated on the sexist man alive which caused the split) "insiders" "in the know" are touting Brad's reunion with Jennifer Anniston (surely you remember that mousey little broad with the ditzy personality who once starred on Friends).
According to individuals close to the winsome-twosome, once Brad and Jolie resolve the issues regarding the custody of their children, a potentially-messy financial entanglement (and so forth and so on), the studly wimp will be back in the smothering arms of Anniston.
In fact, some tongue-waggers are asserting that once the strangle-hold Jolie has on Brad is released, they'll resume where they left off and publicly acknowledge their undying lover for each other.
Makes 'ya want to puke, doesn't it?
In my opinion, if Brad skulks back to Anniston, he'll underscore what a loser he is (in the romance and relationship department, for sure).
Setting his sights on Jolie origiinally, bedding her - and setting up house thereafter - stressed what a conquering stud he could be.
It was a ballsy move, after all.
But, in retrospect, it appears that the strident (territorial) sex goddess managed to serve up his manhood on a silver platter to nibble on at her whim.
No man should put up with that.
Wishy-washy Anniston is just a stab at getting back to normalcy.
Just betcha that if you plopped down for a chat with Brad he'd bore you to tears.
Maybe he and Jennifer deserve each other.
Great eye candy, yes!
Although the lights appear to be on - on the other hand - looks like no one is at home.
What Brad needs is a good fu** to get the lead out.
Sloppy seconds!
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