Republicans had designs on Palin!
She's gonna put us in the poor house!
When the scandal brought last year about Sarah Palin's celebrated make-over (courtesy of the party) - it was assumed that a fashion expert keen on the Republican "image" - rustled up a few select wardrobe pieces for the campaign trail (at which point the parcels were summarily delivered to her Hotet suite in NYC).
On the contrary!
According to John McCain's campaign Manager - Steve Schmidt - Palin was under the impression she was given carte blanche to zip around town to all the toniest boutiques and simply charge away at whim without any budget constraints.
"If Palin's spending on clothes had been accurately reported during the campaign, the country would have been in an uproar," he sniped in so many words.
At a recent chi chi soiree at the Cut steakhouse( Beverly Hills Wilshire Hotel) - where celebrated guests included Dolly Parton, Governor Schwarzenegger, Willie Brown and New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd - everyone was all ears when he spilled the beans on Palin on the heels of spiteful comments she made in her book about McCain's right-hand man.
According to Schmidt, her account of things was 100 percent fiction!
Maybe the former ice Queen should be penning dime-store novellas and purple prose?
"She would go into a store, buy everything in sight, and have the bill sent to the Republican National Committee.
"I stopped counting at $250,000.00."
If the clothes were "borrowed" (as the party claimed in their defense) - and turned over to a "charity" - then some lucky street folks are looking pretty spiffy on the mean streets of the city these days, eh?
Lush scandal kept under wraps!
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