Didn't I spy another sawbuck in that wallet?
The Democrats have put Bill Clinton's considerable skills for rustling up money (the Bill Clinton Foundation is proof of the pudding boy's capabilities in that arena) to good use this week.
For example, this morning when I checked my snail mail, I stumbled across a fundraising letter with the former President's John Henry on its face, tucked neatly amidst a handful of bills screaming out to be paid.
Bill prefaced his bid for big buck donations by noting that the American people - faced with challenging times and a tough republican party - have to win victories.
"That's exactly what our Democrats in the House of Representatives have been doing - winning progress - for you and your family."
Mr. Clinton cited the passing of the economic stimulus package as a shining example.
"According to the Congressional Budget Office, it created new jobs, boosted the economy, and won the largest increase in College Aid in History," he noted smugly.
In addition, slick Willy boasted that the Democrats also won "comprehensive financial reform" to rein in Wall Street and protect consumers.
"And, they passed a health care reform plan that lowers costs, expands access, and protects consumers from delayed or denied coverage."
Jumping the gun a bit?
The Washington swashbuckler moved on.
"The upcoming 2010 mid-term election will be one of the most challenging and most expensive contests in History. The Republicans are already in the field spending millions of dollars on attack ads ($60 million provided by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce & "60 Plus" - a phony Senior Group - designed to mislead the public and misrepresent votes cast by courageous Democrats in support of President Obama's agenda for change)."
At this juncture, Mr. Clinton noted that in order to push back the Republicans, funds were urgently needed for the Democrats' own full-frontal attack.
"The last thing we want is to let the Republican Party - a party that has been hijacked by "Tea Party" extremists - to gain seats in November. That means we have to defend every threatened Democratic seat and take away a few more Republican ones as well."
Why does money matter?
Bill gets to the point.
"Money matters because (the Democrats) have to protect an unprecedented number of seats in a mid-term election when, historically, the party in power loses seats."
"Money matters because we (the Democrats) are faced with a highly motivated opposition that seeks to demonize President Obama and everything for which the Democratic party stands for."
"Money matters because Republican special interests have a financial and ideological stake in preventing reforms that benefit the American people and will put their immense wealth behind Republicans who vote against reforms and try to depress Democratic turnout by aruging that , as the President says, we haven't cleaned up the mess they (Republicans) made fast enough."
On that note, Clinton urges that Democrats plop the cash down to:
*Help the DCCC provide urgently needed resources for Democrats who voted for your interests.
*Help the DCCC back candidates to challenge vulnerable Republicans who need to be held accountable.
*Help the DCCC deploy more field workers to refute every lie and distortion uttered by the opposition.
Powerfully potent political stuff, eh?
Par-tay party!
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