Social Security employees have sh** for brains!
Obviously, the Social Security Adminstration has taken over an old attitude that was once relegated to a major American corporate giant.
"We're the Social Security adminsitration. We don't have to care."
In recent days, many individuals receiving benefits, have been angry over errors made by employees at the administration's main 800 line, for starters, which have caused them financial hardships (late checks, benefits processed and fired off to the wrong destination, you name it).
And, what disturbs me most of all, is this.
When caught - the employees lie to clients - to protect their fat backsides down at their stale old offices.
Of course, American citizens may have a difficult time rustling up a worker on the telephone to get things off their chest (after all, they're all automated to ensure employees can collect their paychecks without having to actually be concerned about the problems of their clients or work off any sweat to actually earn the money).
They're also too stupid to figure things out.
If they didnt' have clients collecting monhtly benefits, they wouldn't have jobs, right?
Barack, you need to clean house, especially at Social Security's main toll-free 800 line.
And, in particular, investigate the conduct of managers such as Melody Davis in the Hollywood field office who is an unscrupulous nasty individual by all accounts (known to destroy documents when her dishonesty is uncovered, proven to have engaged in vendettas against clients who complained to her superiors, and on occasion manipulated documents to avoid disciplinary action from higher-ups)
One of the main problems with the 800 line, for starters, is that it is manned by workers who are not qualified for the job; consequently, fatal mistakes are made in the processing of data which results in unnecessary financial hardships to the clients on the other end of the phone line.
For example, when one client dialed up to change their direct deposit information, the SS worker did not complete the task properly.
Imagine the stress and anxiety that was thrust on the individual (living from check to check in near destitution & ;home less) when the monies were not available on the payment date because the benefits were sent to the wrong financial institution!
When the party called back to straighten out the mess, SS employees were reluctant to admit fault.
And - during an attempt to sort out the snafu - Social Security made another error which delayed their benefits even longer!
To prevent the saga from dragging on the beneficiary was advised to go into the local field office and fill out paperwork so a trace could locate the stray cash (with the understanding - mind you -that they would receive a check that day).
All falsehoods!
At the local office in Hollywood (CA), a female clerk asserted that no check could be issued that day, until the trace was completed.
When the party noted they were done to their last $50.00 and needed to pay rent, she lied!
"You'll have a check on the 3rd of February," she assured the anxious disabled person.
When the check did not arrive in the mailbox, they once again called Social Security, and were shocked to learn that no check had been re-issued (as falsely alleged by the SS employee in the Hollywood field office) and that it may be a week or so until they received their benefits.
What revolting despicable conduct.
Imagine that individual trekking down to the post office every day sure the check would be in the box - only to learn the sad truth days later - that the administration's clerk was a dirty rotten liar.
In addition to this cruel behaviour - have they no empathy or compassion? - there are so many other flaws in their procedures, too.
For instance, if you call the Holllywood Vine Street field office, first you will be greeted by a tape recording assuring you that a social worker will be with your shortly.
In the interim, the client is offered various choices on the automated system, with lousey nerve-wracking muzak droning on in the background ad nauseam.
On numerous occasions, an automaed voice will "thank" the individual for waiting, which inferss that the line is going to be anwered (when, in fact, it is not).
One person I spoke with lamented that they waited on the phone for about forty minutes, at which point, there was a clicking sound and the call was forwarded on to a desk at that Hollywood office.
Guess what?
It rang and rang and rang for about 200 times - and no one, not one soul - bothered to answer!
Curiously, a recording played back during the course of the wait, actually makes a point of noting that the line is being monitored for quality purposes.
Are supervisors at Social Security going to track down the employee who neglected their duties and take disciplinary action against them?
Hell no!
Many Americans on Social Security are subsequently forced to go down to the local office in person, to ensure that action is taken to resolve their problem, since they can't reach anyone on the phone.
In this scenario, they'll be shuffled from one line to another - called by number again and again - and then be forced to wait!! waii! wait!
During the interview they are treated shabbily - demeansed beyond imagination - then lied to about the circumstances surrounding the errors SS made which caused great mental, emotional, and financial hardship.
Is this humane, Mr. President?
And, when you consider most of these individuals are seniors who are weak and unable to fight for themselves in most cases, the Social Security adminstration should be downright ashamed.
I say fire these incompetent insensitive a**holes - Melody Davis first off - and purge the adminstration of the incompetence, error, and out-dated out-moded Social Security system which is clearly broke and needs fixing.
Americans deserve something better.
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