Sin City cries the blues!
Dirty old Mayor incensed by Obama remarks!
Once again, Barack Obama opened his yap and ended up with a shovel or two of desert sand being shoved down his throaat.
Those lounge lizards and politicos in the Nevada oasis are hopping mad again!
Recently, Barack Obama was inclined to make a comment about Vegas, which he thought was practical advice.
In a letter to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Obama noted in passing, that Americans shouldn't blow their money in Vegas - but instead - save it for College.
The comment sparked rage for a second time in the fleshpot of the Nation - where the vices of weak individuals - are inclined to get the best of them.
The end result?
Cash down the drain on slots, too much booze, and pleasures of the sinful kind that break of up marriages and sully the images and reputations of high-profile figures (Tiger Woods ring any bells?)
Ah, the follies invvoled in the pursuit of pure unadulterated sex!
It was the second time since taking office that Obama singled out Las Vegas as a potential cesspool of irresponsible excessive spending.
If you recall, Obama criticized bank employees for jetting off to Vegas and splurging at a time when most Americans were hurting financially.
At that time, the City Fathers lamented that the unfair barb would negatively impact the Las Vegas further.
Over the past couple of years, Vegas has been struggling to regain its former glory as a destination hot-spot.
The city's residents have been hard-hit from a two-year onslaught of of foreclosures, bankruptcies and unemployment.
Tourism is the Silver State's most valuable commodity, and in view of this, there has been an outcry from ranks of high order in the wake of the disclosure that Barack has named Vegas as a potential culprit once again.
The President was quick to jump into the fray in a concerted effort to smooth over the troubled waters.
"I was making the simple point that families use vacation dollars, not college tuition money, to have fun," Obama said, according to the letter released by Reid's office.
"You don't go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage," Obama said.
"You don't blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you're trying to save for college. You prioritize. You make tough choices."
"There is no place better to have fun than Vegas, one of our country's great destinations," he noted in the aftermath.
For the record, Mr. Obama also underscored that he has always enjoyed his visits to gambling gulch.
However, vacations there may not be so satisfying in the future, if Mayor Goodman has any say in it.
Goodman - not only lambasted Obama during a hastily called news conference - but assured all within earshot that the President was no friend to Las Vegas and would not be welcomed there if he visits.
"I'll do everything I can to give him the boot," Goodman said.
"This President is a real slow learner."
Barrack's comments quickly sparked a negative gut reaction elswhere in the Silver State which supported Obama in the 2008 election.
Goodman and others are worried that Obama's words will discourage visitors from jetting off to Las Vegas - and that as a result - the industry will be depressed further.
"Enough is enough!" Democratic Congresswoman Shelley Berkley said in a one accusing statement.
"President Obama needs to stop picking on Las Vegas and he needs to let Americans decide for themselves how and where to spend their hard-earned vacation dollars."
Senator John Ensign (Repuplican) pointed out from the sidelines that the President may not have grasped the weight that his words carry around the country (and beyond).
"The President needs to lay off Las Vegas and stop making it the poster child for where people shouldn't be spending their money," Reid pointedly added.
"I would much rather tourists and business travelers spend their money in Las Vegas than spend it overseas."
Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons, Rep. Dean Heller (Republican), and Democratic Rep. Dina Titus also roundly criticized the President.
"He has to step up right away and say, you know, he wasn't thinking," Goodman huffed.
"Sometimes when he's not using his monitors and reading what he says, he doesn't think. And this is one of those times he didn't think, and he should straighten out the record because he's been here, he knows Las Vegas is a great place."
In my opinion, Las Vegas deserves a dressing-down.
Whenever the President or any politician takes a poke at Sin City they go up in arms.
However, as I have reported in past posts - Las Vegas casinos, City coppers, and others - have continually given tourists and vistiors in general the shaft.
Instead of taking note of the valid criticisms - and taking action to cure the problems - Las Vegas continues to ignore issues that are hurting its public image and turning visitors away.
For instance, in one post, I noted that I witnessed racial profiling in the streets.
Has the despicable practice stopped?
Post: 05/12/09
I also reported that a handful of Hotels - such as the Sahara - were not disclosing fees to tourists when they booked rooms (a disreputable practice that is downright fraudulent in nature).
Has that issued been addressed by the Mayor or Casino owners?
Post: 09/15/09
In spite of the fact Las Vegas has been crying the blues over loss of revenue, they continue to engage in violations of citizens rights (which summarily turn tourists off).
For example, at Harrah's and Fitzgerald's Hotels, security guards often shake-down guests on the casino floor - detain them, ask inappropriate questions, and violate their civil rights - without legal authority to do so
It's harassment plain and simple!.
Who wants to patronize an establishment that runs rough-shod over the rights of the individual?
Has the problem been addressed?
Post:: 09/10/09
Post: 01/13/09
Also, Las Vegas would have you believe they welcome tourists with open arms, but have a curious way of showing their appreciation for the business.
On many occasion, for example, I have witnessed traffic cops pull over pedestrians (who are often from foreign countries and unfamiliar with the terrain and/or laws in the U.S.) and proceed to ticket them for jay-walking.
If Vegas is going to continue the practices aforementioned, they deserve to be shat upon.
Post: 09/28/09
So, President Obama, take note.
There are several glaring consumer issues in Vegas that cry out for investigation.
Just pick one for your next speech, eh?
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