The top-heavy lusty lovely - with the wide sexy smile - is expected to take on the task of MC (Mistress of Ceremonies), Adam Lambert will gyrate onto the stage and offer up a live! concert with a come-hither look that is sure to captivate his die-hard fans, and a posse of revellers will ring in the New Year at the stroke of midnight.
And, Paramount Studios will play host to the blow-out bash expected to be a big ticket-seller!
Although bad- boy Lambert may be banned from prime-time TV temporarily - until he's paid his penace, at least - the thronging masses will be inclined to seek him out nonetheless (on air or not).
Notwithstanding, isn't it time Dick Clark was put out to pasture, and some young stud installed in his place to do the honors henceforth?
Ryan Seacrest appears to be a likely candidate, but how about someone with a bit of pizazz and sex appeal?
I'll put on my thinking cap on that one and get back to 'ya!
Happy New Year!
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