X-Ray body scans at airports!
A few days ago whe I reported on the incident over the Detroit airport, I noted that a source confided that the perpetrator of the attack - Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab - was in league with the terrorist organization - Al Qaeda - who put him up to the task.
To be prudent, I also noted that an official announcement from the White House would be required before anyone in the Government (or press, for that mattwer) could take the official position that the failed attempt to down the jetliner was - in fact - a bona fide terrorist attack.
Post: 12/25/09
Since that fateful day, al Qaeda associates in Yemen have claimed responsibility for the assault on Northwest Flight No. 253.
Janet Napolitano (Homeland Security Secretary) stated matter-of-fact on Monday that U.S. security systems worked on that Holy day.
A full investigation has determined that was not the case, though, so the official stance of the Government has since changed.
In fact, an embarrassed President was forced to go on a National broadcast and apologize to the American public for the glaring gaffe and obvious breach in security measures.
Apparently potential leads on the suspect were not followed up, for starters.
A terrorist faction - "al Qaeda in the Arabian Penninsula" - acknowledged involvement and cited reasons for the attack which took Americans by surprise at the start of the holiday weekend.
Apparently, al Qaeda was retaliating against the U.S. for its alleged role in a recent Yemen military offensive.
Three U.S. officials with highly-sensitive information about the American military maneuvers referred to, would not deny involvement, or even comment on the al Qaeda allegations.
In an interesting twist, U.S. Officers have revealed that some of the terrorist militants that were killed in airstrikes in Yemen, may have been former prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.
In closing, it is worthwhile to note that allies to the north - and elsewhere around the globe - are imposing stricter guidlines for travellers bound for U.S. shores.
For example, it was reported today on transit TV, that Canadian airlines are restricting carry-on baggage and - in addition to other cautionary measures - are conducting intrusive X-ray body scans also.
Although the terrorist attack on the Northwest Airliner was thwarted, in the aftermath, al Qaeda has still managed to strike a fatal blow on a multitude of physical, emotional, and psychological levels.
Will there ever be an end to the terror?
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