Shortly after I logged on and checked e-mail earlier this afternoon, I surfed over to the Tattler @ Blogspot to pen a post.
When I shifted into edit mode, and the list of published posts and saved drafts popped up in the dashboard, I was quite shocked to spy approximately forty (40) posts inputted as "Untitled" items and saved as drafts.
This startling turn of events occurred at 1:30 pm (PST).
Of course, I was might curious to open the mysterious drafts, but my inner voice issued a warning.
Don't touch 'em!
Google's blogspot has a help center where bloggers at the site are welcome to report issues to the technical team so that snafus and glitches in the system may be immediately addressed.
So, I posted a notice at the site about the mysterious intruder, with a request that an expert at google offer up suggestions on how to proceed.
Should I just delete the little suckers?
Or, quarantine them somehow, so they may be studied as to their origin - and most of all - their intent?
Curiously, the Norton Security software was operating at the time of the intriguing "attack".
I have to wonder if a hacker slipped in while I was online, or somehow, came in backdoor and also infected other blogger sites.
A few minutes ago, when I zipped over to google's search web site, a Norton Security warning flashed a warning alert on the computer screen.
According to the Norton software, there are nine (9) malicious (dangerous) viruses and trojans on the google web site search page.
Looks like I'm switching to Bing, folks!
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