But, unless academy members are on-the-ball, their fave raves may be left out in the cold.
Under the spanking-new guidelines, voters will be instructed to cast a a score for each, from 1 to 10.
After the ballots have been tabulated, the film with the fewest scores will be eliminated - at which point - the prestigious members of the Academy of Motion Arts & Sciences will tally all the No. 2 picks.
The process (in what amounts to a rat race to the podium) will contiinue 'til one entry heads up the top of the list (with a majority of votes cast).
When you get right down to the nitty-gritty, some may be downright miffed about the tabulation process.
And, for good reason.
Dark horses closing the gap from behind, in the end stage of the Hollywood promo game, may not have the golden opportunity to trot down the runaway last minute - and likewise - breeze through to the finish line to nab the coveted prize without warning.
According to critics and industry-insiders - although a tad complicated (unfair?) - the new-fangled method may prevent a movie with only a fraction of the actual votes, from hitting the big time come Oscar-time.
Who knew that an old soft shoe, and a few vocal lessons, would end up landing a few truly talented artists on the fast-track to glory, glamour, and gold?
After the tinkering at the ballot box, a handful may actually be the most popular, too.
The envelope, please!
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