Dave Letterman's love affair with the viewing audience (and in-house ring-siders at the live taping) continued last night while the storm of controversy over the sex scandal swirled around elsewhere on other networks and cable news outlets.
Yes, Dave was in a jovial mood.
Shortly, after he trotted out on stage to a warm welcome, he uttered his first words.
"Oh, there's nothing like a new applause sign."
A nod to moi, no doubt!
Post: 10/06/2009
Without much hestitation, the late-night funnyman launched into his opening dialogue, with a handful of hilarious one-line zingers.
But, not a peep about the extortion case, to the surpise of some.
Not me!
No doubt, Dave's lawyers cautioned him to put a lid on it.
After all, legal counsel for the defendant (who was allegedly behind the extortion attempt last week) has stated his intention to focus on sexual harassment issues as part of his client's defense in the upcoming legal proceedings.
Some are speculating that there may be a messy long-drawn-out battle ahead for Dave in the courts, in fact.
Maybe that's why Dave (tongue-in-cheek) introduced his "stand in" last eve.
"In the event something happens to me. Or, I can't be here for some reason."
Although Dave apologized to Sarah Palin on Tuesday night about a prior jab (on October 6th), he was in the thick of his wicked pokes again, nonetheless, when he joked to the audience that one of the things folks would rather do than read her new book was surely "drink their own pee".
Yup, a few stomachs turned when the graphic flashed up on a wide video screen in living color.
There was a cute comment about the Late Show's environs, too.
Isn't the Ed Sullivan Theatre a beaut, he noted in so many words, after underscoring that a large number of theatres in the Tin Pan alley area of NYC were normally crummy run-down joints.
"At the late show, the theatre is great. But, the production is nothing."
Once again, the show proved to be well-written, and all the edgy material delivered up with great finesse, in large part due to Dave's keen comedic timing.
Some of the funniest moments unfolded when Dave tossed the spotlight on his bandleader, Paul Schaffer.
Schaffer recently penned a bio which hit the bookstores yesterday, so he was inclined to take the hot seat for a few moments and share a dollop of the juicy tidbits within its hard covers (consisting of a handful of scintillating showbiz recollections culled from thirty years plus in the music biz).
Schaffer is a great story teller.
For example, his recollection of the original "dismal" release of - "It's Raining Men" - (which he co-wrote with Paul Jabarra) was downright hilarious.
Apparently, the tune was originally written for Donna Summer who was top Disco Queen in those heady days of Studio 54 back in the eighties.
But, when the songwriters approached Ms. Summer to record the song, she balked at signing a pact.
If you recall, the songbird became a born-again Christian - and subsequently - incurred the rath of homos all-the-world-over when she denounced the gay lifestyle after raking in millions of the green leafy stuff by virtue of her ICON status in gays nightclubs across the U.S.A.
Before you could utter-up "traitor bitch", disgruntled fans across the country sprang into action.
Within hours of the stunning (hurtful) announcement, unhappy disco Queens (of the male persuasion) were burning her LP's, or tossing 'em in the trash.
Her career as a performer has never regained footing in the music biz since that disasterous day many moons ago when she stepped into a whole heap-load of judgmental sh**.
So, as the tawdry tale goes, Jabarra called up Paul one day to inform him that he located two dynamite torch-singers (Two Tons of Fun) to not only record the catchy tune with the danceable beat, but perform it at the upcoming Gay Pride celebration in Central Park.
"I tell 'ya, those gals weighed about a ton, too," he chuckled.
When Schaffer was invited to the festivities, he wondered aloud a bit about the pro's and con's of attending.
Wasn't gay pride an angry sort-of militant event with gays protesting and all that?
But, as he noted on Letterman last night, because he was quite liberal and open-minded, he was inclined to give it a shot (gosh, I always thought he was one of the girls, didn't you?).
Also, his girlfriend (who he has since married), cautioned him about appearing.
"Do you really want your photograph taken at a Gay Pride Celebration in New York? It may come back to haunt you."
What really hurt?
His gal-pal hated the tune!
"Raining men? What the heck were you thinking?"
So, Schaffer rang up Paul Jabarra, and begged off.
However, as it turned out, the lovebirds were already booked for a bicycle-ride through the park that day.
Around five o'clock that afternoon, Paul happened to glance at his watch, and suddenly realized that the concert was just about to rev up on stage.
With a bit of arm-twisting, he managed to lure his girlfriend to the crest of a hill where they could have take in the concert from afar (and out of sight).
Right off-the-bat, he spied a heavyset dyke waving a large sign and screaming out at the top of her lungs:
"We're everywhere. We're everywhere."
Paul was aghast at what went down after that.
Shortly after the gals started to belt out the tune - and the muscle man on stage began flexing a bicep or two - the crowd booed!
Just goes to show 'ya, songs are not always a bona fide hit when they're first released, eh?
The bit about Britney Spears was a big guffaw, too.
Paul noted that his band usually does a fun "twist" on a song - somehow tied to a guest - when he or she strides out from behind the curtain to take their seat next to Dave on the Late Show.
For example, when Jeff Goldblum made an entrance one night, the band played a tune from the soundtrack of a well-known film the actor starred in - "The Fly".
When Paul was informed that Britney Spears was going to pop in to visit Dave from a sound stage she was performing on next door to his studio, the talented composer hit on the idea to play the old classic hit:
"Thanks for the Memories"
"That was a Bob Hope thing, you know, stopping in from the set next door."
Concerned that Britney might not get "it", he seized on the opportunity to explain the details beforehand, when he casually passed her by in the hall by chance.
When Paul mentioned Bob Hope, her face went blank.
"Bob, who?"
At this point, the musician elaborated a bit, but it was evident he was not getting through.
Then, a lightbulb seemed to go on inside the sexy hottie's precious head.
"Oh, you're Dave's DJ, aren't you?"
If you're like me, you probably make a mad dash from the TV set at commercial break, to take a whiz and snatch up a brewskie and snacks before the next segment of the Late Show starts up on the old boob tube.
Last night, I didn't want to miss one second of the show, so I stocked up in advance so that all my goodies would be within easy reach in my Hotel room as I viewed the CBS broadcast.
Consequently, I ended up taking in the commercials, which I never normally do.
Was it a wicked coincidence?
Last night one of the sponsors for Letterman's Late Show was Viagra!
In view of the sex scandal, and the age of our lovable Lothario, I thought the product tie-in was bang (!) on.
I laughed out loud when I heard the disclaimer (broadcast in almost a whisper underneath the visuals) which cautioned:
"If you experience an erection for more than four hours call your doctor right away."
You betcha!
To get a refill on the prescription!
But, the coincidences did not end there, though.
In an upcoming commercial spot later on during the show, there was also an advertisement touting the wonders of another boner-builder by the product name of Cialis.
The announcer noted (with both a straight face and di**?) that there were two options for the discerning male to pin his hope - um - chest on.
One dose for an evening's romp - for quick in 'n outs - I expect.
A second to span over an uninterrupted thirty-six hour period.
Obviously, the latter is suited to Dave, because of his long hours on the set at CBS.
After all, who wants to encounter pecker trouble on the verge of a backstage tryst?
Of course, with Dave's big bucks, he could afford a fluffer.
So, maybe that rumor about a hidden "love nest" backstage is not just malicious gossip.
News at 11!
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