How 'bout a quick Lewinski, Nancy?
Last week, Nancy Pelosi - speaker of the house - zipped of an e-mail to Americans around the country, with an offer to participate in a raffle that the Democrats conjured up to raise funds.
The coveted prize?
A trip to Miami for a night of festivities - the main course being - a golden opportunity to dine with President Barack Obama, wife Michelle, and a posse of political cronies.
With a contribution of a mere $5.00 - or more - a donor will be automatically entered into the fundraising raffle.
In order to trigger a flow of cash from supporters, Pelosi facilitated an old "buttering-up" technique, in a bold-faced effort to succeed in her snake-oil pitch.
"Last year, you put President Obama in the White House and more than 20 new House Democrats in Congress. This year, you are leading the fight for historic health insurance reform for the American people."
"Since America's progress would not be possible without grassroots Democrats like you, I wanted to give you and a guest the opportunity to have dinner with President Obama later this month in sunny Miami."
Then, she moved in for the kill.
"Right now the stakes are high for the American people. The Republicans are well aware that this is their last opportunity to derail health insurance reform."
"I need your grassroots support as we work to bring our final bill to a vote before the full House before sending it on to President Obama for his signature."
Then, there was a knock-out punch sure to get Americans reaching for the credit cards in their wallets.
"More than ever, Grassroots Democrats like you know your power."
"Let's make history together in these final critical weeks for health insurance reform.
As President Obama says: "now is the season for action."
Who could turn their back on Pelosi (or the President, for that matter) in the wake of such a plea?
But, as Columbo might say, "hold on a minute".
"Just one more thing, Miss."
Shortly after supporters zipped off a bushel of hefty donations - each received a prompt "thank you" back - from John Vogel (Executive Director of the DCCC).
And, get this.
Because the deadline for entering the "contest" is a week away, Vogel has stridently urged participants to contribute "again" for a second try at winning an extraordinary chow-down with the Prez and his Missus!
Which begs two questions.
Three, actually.
Are there two invites in the prize package if a lucky individual wins twice?
If the answer to the first question is "no" - one win may disqualify the other - does the campaign contributor get a refund?
After pondering the issues, I have to wonder about one thing.
Just how greedy are the Democrats, anyway?
Michelle in charge of desserts
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