Would real Obama step forward!
After "Saturday Night Live" took a jab at President Obama on the weekend, frenzied speculation wildly broke out on both sides of the political landscape - from voters, too - on the subject of Obama's future in the oval office.
Has Barack Obama lost his MoJo, some wondered aloud to anyone within earshot?
One pundit's quip was quick and biting.
"I never bought into the cool-aid from the beginning."
In a sketch on the highly-rated popular SNL variety show, one of the regulars put on a pair of floppy ears, and started in on schtick - that some say - was a tell-tale sign that the President's popularity is on the skids.
On the contrary, Barack's approval rating has gone up a few percentage points over the past week or so.
"Oh, that's just because of the Leno shows and stuff like that," one snide critic pooh-poohed.
Others lamented that it was a sad state of affairs when a political party cheers the loss of a bid for the Olympics, let's say, because it was a project a President (they fiercely oppose and would like to oust from office) sought to snatch up with pride for the benefit of his political cronies and supportive voters from his windy home town.
To some, the sketch missed its mark.
"Comedy is supposed to be based in truth. That is what makes it funny."
Another individual vigorously argued that Barack was only in office for approximately eight months, had irons in the fire, yes - but could not be expected to accomplish the goals in the first stretch of his Presidency so soon.
He may be the Savior in some folks eyes, but he is not Superman, after all.
Good points, all.
As to the issue of the honeymoon being over, well, in my opinion it was never really consumated.
I expect that come next election, the voters and Barack Obama will part ways amicably, on the grounds of irreconcilable differences.
One main gripe is that Obama opens his yap a lot, but doesn't follow through with any defining action.
Supporters blame some of his failures (the Olympic bid, for instance) on George W. Bush.
Two or three hardcore fans allege that over the past eight years Georgie-boy damaged the name and reputation of the great United States around the planet during his reign of terror (um) power that it has made it difficult for Obama to surmount that obstacle.
Yeah, it's been a wacky week.
Especially when you consider one plot that a pundit alleged was underfoot.
Allegedly, Barack has been pushing for the Health Insurance Reform so that the United States will be on the same socialist footing that the European Nations are.
Of course, that equates to paid vacations, health insurance for all, high taxes.
No complaints!
The spirited young crazy finished up his view of things by noting that all of this was in keeping with Barack's plans for a World-Government (and a Savior of some kind to head it up, naturally).
Sounds like the final verses of the Bible, Revelations, are unfolding before our very eyes.
"He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name."
"This calls for wisdom."
" If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number."
"His number is 666."
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