corporations see no demand here, only outside of the country. Any hiring to be done will be outside the US. Not inside. Making the stock rally make confidence rise in a very false manner. As the 99'ers drop off the polls of the unemployed, more and more are disappearing from the pain and loss of jobs, benefits, homes and without a way to pull all back we are in deep trouble. Tax increases were a way to increase Medicaid and Medicaire and Education spending but that is exactly what all states cut first. California's deficit (as an example) is less than 2% of its income as GDP. We can do this with proper money management and keep the health and education rather than cutting (of all things) head start and Medicaid and benefits.
Second the pundits are worried. Free elections in Palestinian areas were pushed by Bush after the ones in Afghanistan and Iraq went so well (when in fact tyrants and corrupt officials were elected) and in the case of the Palestinians, Humas was elected. We then as a country under Bush denied that validity. And with the wonder of Egypt we must support what ever they do in a democratic manner understanding that muslim nations typically can not (by the Koran) separate belief and state. So we must be prepared to support their break from dictatorship and their choice in their elections. Even if we dont like them.
Misinformation comes in from all sources on both Egypt and our unemployment. We must understand there are huge seasonal adjustments in first time unemployment claims, plus a certain time is required for work to obtain benefits.....those hired are always counted, yet those fired before six months (temp holiday work) are not able to claim any benefits. Plus the fact the seasonal adjustments go far back to when times were normal so neither unemployment nor claims represent true numbers. Sad we could (as Europe and Canada do) give out accurate and precise numbers. But dont care to. And sad we are already saying the Muslim brotherhood will hijack the elections in Egypt without even giving them a chance.
We are the ones who have been hijacked long ago (Nixon) and cant get back on track. And the fact a libertarian (Ron Paul) who in theory should agree to freedom of individuals to take drugs and do anything consensual between adults without in any way threatening the person or property of others by this weekends CPAC meeting makes me roll on the floor laughing about what a Libertarian is, what religious conservatives think and thinking we should be more concerned a moron here may be supported by conservatives who is not what they think......just as we are concerned with Egyptian wonder of democracy and fears they may not do what we wish them to do.
Were has intelligence of people gone?
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