And what of Israel? As Brokaw said revolutions do well and evolve to democracies rarely and after starvation and much pain. And dealing with military juntas and takeovers by very who Harry and Tom. And only when the people love the USA and are broke (like the Russians in 1989) does the overthrow work out (kind of well).
Ossama bin Laden (taught by a fundamentalist school in Saudi Arabia teaching the evils of the west by an originator from Egypt whose son moved to Saudi Arabia to continue to teach from the 1930s on all find the land given (taken?) from Palestinians and handed to Israel is the cause of the hate.....and we know this to be true. And must yank our troops (not to further piss off the mideastern Muslim population ASAP. Yet protect Israel without a clue how the results of these protests and shakeups will affect the area other than to stop any recover in its tracks through higher oil prices especially if it reaches Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
But here is the twist: what of China and Japan and India? The engines of growth in the world, and no oil?
Goodbye Walmart and all things made cheaply there. Plus the protests may move to China as they are offenders as bad (or worse) than any tyranny in the mideast. And oddly we meet none of Brokaws tests of the populations loving us.....they dont. So the future is very unsteady. And with nukes ready to fly from Iran, Pakistan, Israel (you know its true) potentially Egypt, bin Laden wrote in the 80s, we will attack the evil bastards (the USA and UK mainly) from the east of Israel, and when totally surrounded, destroy Israel as a hole in the ground from the west of it. ......all of which seems to be coming true, or at least possible.
So now we bring the troops home ASAP and faster. And find oil so high, it kills any economic growth here.
And more interesting changes are coming as well. This is not fun. I am glad it is in the name of democracy, yet that is not how Islam works. It works as a part of the government. The only areas where the government is secular are those with tyrants. And the tryants are being removed. If Zuckerberg has the shit blown out of Israel, does facebook take credit for that too as well as the revolutions? I doubt it.
The complexity of the situation is amazing. Egypt was joyous due to the freedom and peace, but now we are in a new area. And when (not if) Iran falls with its nukes and Pakistan.....what then?
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