We are the founders of democracy. But for 30 years of declining living standards given away to China (not Mexico nor Canada) but unfair trading partners and the corporations that allowed global trade to go to their heads sending all jobs for less pay to India, Vietnam, China, etc......and not punishing them but awarding them with higher profits (Walmart, AMEX, Transunion, hell the whole list of M&A folks and 100% of the S&P 500) ......not fining them with the imposition of the differential in wages (as competitive and comparative economics do NOT include completely subsidized people with gas and food and living as China does) and giving the fine back to those who hire here in the USA lowering costs and doing exactly what china does, finds us shit out of luck. And to imagine this country without a month of rage and anger and wrath (oh....too busy working?) is amazing.
Of all countries, we from our founders.....its time for anger and rage and the dollar to be removed as reserve, and for corporations and wealthy to stop getting the breaks....come on America, tea party.....where is shutting the system down until it works?
It works for the top 10% but for no one else. And its time to learn from Egypt what pain we will see soon. The high in the market seen now and we await Feb numbers especially unemployment. 17 million unemployed, and add population growth of 12 and we have a tenth of Americans in trouble drawing down all saving. (actually closer to 30% as under, unemployed or uncounted) and walking closer to that line that destroys us all).
A day of rage? What the hell, is everyone on prozac? A month would be better and change must happen now.
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