As Bush did this and before and no my dear, there is no way out but drastic. Cut outsourcing (as few in China buy homes here or jump start our economy....but do jump start stop and tax outsourcing.
Tax those with a million plus income. And learn manners. Or you will be in an Arizona and then Texas rehab I imagine. Your input was insane. The market rightfully always rallies after presidential addresses as I blogged yesterday. Then reality sets in. And reality is more lay offs by private and public and no hope to fix a damn thing given away over a decade ago. We are in a spiral fall as the assets of the unemployed and suffering from wage shrinkage (so popular with corporate nonsense) is destroying the US. Look again as to who has the money, and its corporations who must be handled with anti trust and with higher rates. M and A is good for stockholders not for people. And supply side crap is bad for people good for corporate profits. We are now a country who owes 38 trillion to get medicare straight and over 100 trillion within years to get SS real. And yet folks say we are not insolvent. And the banking system? How much bad paper is there? How many bad swaps? Rotting homes. etc. We are sad not to applaud what could make us great but there is no hope.
good, we took out the old highs from 1999 and now the next stop is the lows at 6550. Love it. Fools die a million deaths.
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