Ellen entertains flock with over-the-top frock!

In a round-about-way, I ended up signing on to "follow" the Ellen DeGeneres talk show, at ever-popular Twitter.
Of course, I've always been fond of the quick-witted comedian's style.
It all started when I inputted my user name and password to enter the Twitter site late yesterday afternoon a moment or two shy of posting a feature on Ellen's novel idea to gift fans of the show by tweet express.
Curiously, when a "thread" of conversation sprang to life on the screen, right away I spied a tweet from Ellen informing her "followers" that Howard Stern allegedly quipped that he didn't like her dancing on the show.
For those of you in the dark - on occasion - Ellen dead-pans a soft-shuffle or two to the delight of her gushing fans.
I was taken aback by the timeliness of the Stern barb!
Just minutes earlier, I published a post which also took a sly poke at Ellen's somewhat spastic (no rhythm!) two-step style.
Of course, the jibe was a bit tongue-in-cheek, and not meant to crush the bright-eyed talk-show host's penchant for engaging in the romantic past-time.
Since the Stern tweet was on the heels of my own post regarding the same subject matter, I was inclined to surf over to Ellen's fan site, to investigate the synchronistic moment further.
So, I clicked on the shock jock reference link provided by the charismatic show biz personality, and ended up plunk down in the middle of the Ellen "show" web site.
What a fun place (well, instinctively, I half-knew it would be!) for the curious to kick off their shoes and put their feet up.
Ok, I fess up.
I tapped the "follow" button - and within minutes - I was interacting (mostly reacting!) to a host of dazzling "Twitter" personas heretofore unknown to moi!
Then, just before I keyed out at about 10 p.m , I took one last gander at the socially hip hub site I was now joined at the heart to, before signing off.
Now the Ellen "tweet" on Howard Stern was going full-steam ahead after triggering a slew of responses (mostly negative) from Ellen fans who flew to her side in a defense mode.
One irate tweeter was particularly angry with old garbage-mouth for dissing a woman on air about her abortion.
I won't repeat what she quipped in the heat of the moment, though.
This is a Disney-style family blog, after all.
Yeah, right!
And, I don't sleep buck naked at night, either.
One of my followers - Caesar's Palace - was all hopped up over "Hangover".
Throughout the starry night, CP urged tweekers to catch the entertaining feature just released around the country.
The mere mention of the comedy, which has garnered rave reviews in the local and National press in recent days - set off a tidal wave of glittering chatter - not unlike the kind you'd encounter in a trendy single's bar in Anytown, U.S.A.
Looks like I have springboarded into a dizzying strata of fresh meat - um - contacts.
Like Facebook & Twitter, membrs are often led through one door and out another, at Twitter.
If you're a true adventurer with a thirst for life, who knows where you'll end up!
Computer heaven?
Or on a fast track to trojan hell?
By the way, did you know that a major computer in Europe has been nick-named "The Beast".
Insightful thoughts on the subject, anyone?
As I was reflecting on these matters of import, a warm & fuzzy feeling swept over me when I caught sight of one last tweet from Ellen before she slipped off into another dreamy landscape that must have been beckoning from afar.
The tweet was short and sweet:
EllenFans Good night all my Tweeple!
Imagine that!
The quirky talk-show host tucks in her tweeters each night.
That's true class!

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