If you're like moi, you probably have very little time during the course of the day to cruise the Internet, and take a gander at popular new blogs that are revving up - and subsequently - piquing widespread interest out in the wilds of the blogosphere.
On the other hand, perhaps you're an talented insightful blogger with a lot to chirp about.
In spite of the fact you've been toiling away publishing those sizzling posts at the crack of dawn each day, nobody is nibbling at the smorgasbord of delectable goodies you've been tossing their way.
The musings - like zillions of others out there - are going virtually unread.
Meanwhile, the popular "with-it" blog trend-setters, are continuing to make their merry way into dizzying social circles in a big way.
Maybe it's time to pack it in?
Now, you have a chance to enter the big leagues, and become a celebrated hit-getter like gossip maven Perez Hilton or the undisputed Queen of the "blogs" Arianna Huffington.
Yes, the Tattler is expanding its horizons, and reaching out into the blogosphere!
Our high-profile website is setting aside a little premium space (!) in order to showcase - and ultimately thrust into the spotlight - a handful of bloggers who deserve a kick-start and a few kudos along the way.
So, if you're a blogger pining for a little more exposure - and aching to be a much-celebrated "Featured Blog" at the Tattler - just zip off an e-mail off to us when you have a mind to.
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