This morning I was taking a brisk stroll along the Vegas strip when I spied three police officers harassing four Afro-American youths.
As their flashy eye-catching roadster (pimp mobile?) purred at the curb, the officers proceeded to unjustly needle the boys.
Over-sized T's etched with exotic jazzy designs on their face, stylish baggy knee-length shorts outfitted with zips and snaps, and a heapload of blinding bling screamed out loud and clear to the pigs.
"Black street trash. Book 'em."
I penned a post on this revolting trend several months ago just prior to the election.
In spite of the fact a "Black" President is firmly ensconced in the "White House" now, for some inexplicable reason, the racial profiling continues.
If Barack sauntered out along the strip one day for one of his infamous casual "walks", would the racists on the police force in Vegas shake him down, too?
Enquiring minds want to know!
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