Well, it looks like the naughty mischievous flesh pots are at it again!
While the cat is away, the mice will play.
Yesterday, I was searching for some pertinent reference material on the Internet, when I came across a link to a "Dim Sum Funeral" post (google search) that was allegedly written by moi.
Since I have reported on the Independent film (which just nabbed distribution) no alarm bells went off.
Naturally, I was curious as to which post it was referring to, so I clicked on the link.
Whoa Nellie!
I quickly scrambled to minimize the screen before any acquaintances lolling about within eyesight could get a gander at the PC.
Why, pray tell?
For starters, an unexpected barrage of uncontrollable pornographic images flooded the screen, at whim!
But, the diabolical sex acts proliferating before me - in no way, shape, or form - matched up with any of the publicity stills I uploaded in tandem with the posts for the red carpet interviews or the critique drafted for the Indie film shot in Vancouver (B.C.)
After an investigation, I determined that some scoundrel hi-jacked my name (Julian Ayrs) and manipulated a google reference with the express intent of transporting unsuspecting web surfers (in search of my material) to a porn site outside of the realms of my own blog and personal web site. (http://www.julianayrs.com/)
A similar incident occurred last year.
When the bogus site came to my attention, I duly penned a post to forewarn - readers, media hounds, and the paparazzi - that I had no association with that graphic porn site.
I surmised at the time that the web site owner concocted the scheme to trade on my rising fame, and the popularity of my blog site, in a deceitful bold-faced effort to direct traffic to his or her porn site.
Shortly after I posted a "disclaimer", though, the link disappeared off the Internet.
Hence, I assumed that the little rascals got tired of their merry chase and found greener pastures elsewhere to chow down on.
Now, it would appear that the same purveyors of the skin trade (or a nefarious other few, as yet, unknown to me) are trying to cash in on my high-profile name and heavily-trafficked blog site once again.
Oh well, that's life.
Ironically, I'm not even a fan of porn.
In the aftermath of the last fiasco, I laughed it off to friends.
"I'd rather be part of the action, than sit on the sidelines jerk**g off," I guffawed wildly.
Wouldn't you?
When it gets right down to the nitty-gritty, I'm flattered by all of the titillating - um - exposure.
But, I'm not surprised.
After all, no one has ever complained about my athletics in bed, yet!
Yup, there's a lot to be said about a big swinging di** in Hollywood, I expect.
Kitty Porn
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