Yesterday morning I hopped into my vehicle and there wasn't enough juice in the battery to turn the engine over.
Upon closer inspection, I was able to determine I left my parking lights on.
I lifted the hood, nonetheless, and thought I would double-check the wiring to make sure the connections weren't loose.
As I was doing my butch handy-work, a white male cruised up - at which point - I relayed my dilemma.
"Do you have cables," he softly asked.
When I nodded in the affirmative, he paused a beat, then half-whispered through the open window:
"Would you like to get su**ed?"
Well, that wasn't exactly the kind of jump start I was looking for!
Billy Crystal said it best:
"Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place."
Yesterday morning I hopped into my vehicle and there wasn't enough juice in the battery to turn the engine over.
Upon closer inspection, I was able to determine I left my parking lights on.
I lifted the hood, nonetheless, and thought I would double-check the wiring to make sure the connections weren't loose.
As I was doing my butch handy-work, a white male cruised up - at which point - I relayed my dilemma.
"Do you have cables," he softly asked.
When I nodded in the affirmative, he paused a beat, then half-whispered through the open window:
"Would you like to get su**ed?"
Well, that wasn't exactly the kind of jump start I was looking for!
Billy Crystal said it best:
"Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place."
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