Amid tall palms that swayed in the breeze and a picturesque locale that rivals any on the romantic Riviera, the Newport Beach Film Festival launched an opening night gala last night that glittered under a breathtaking night sky.
"Lymelife" - a hilarious, violent and sometimes tragic look at family dynamics - kicked off the Festival with an enthusiastic packed house.
The Festival is back with a vengeance this year with a roster of thought-provoking insightful celluloid offerings sure to appeal to a myriad of discerning tastes!
Highlights this week include "An Evening of Film & Fun" set to Music which is being touted as a Gala Reception & Concert with Oscar Nominated Film composer Marc Shalman (Beaches, Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry met Sally, Hairspray, Sleepless in Seattlke, and The Wedding Planner) which I intend to take in tonight.
*Friday, April 24th @ 7 PM in the Palm Garden at the Island Hotel Newport Beach.
On Wednesday (April 29th) there will be an evening of "Disney Rarities" with Oscar Nominated Film Producer Don Hahn & Disney Creative Director David Bossert at the Lido Theatre.
The enchanting presentation features a collection of rarely seen Disney Animated treasures.
There will be a tribute to John Wayne on Saturday, April 25th, by virtue of a screening of - She Wore a Yellow Ribbon - one of his classic films which is sure to be a crowd-pleaser for film buffs.
Over the next week (April 26th thu April 29th) there will also be dramatic spotlights on Latino, Asian, French, Irish, Swedish, Italian, and Australian films.
And, of course, what would any Film Festival be without a collection of scintillating shorts to wow audiences in-between the centerpiece presentations sprinkled throughout the sparkling Festival scene.
The Newport Beach Festival has a series of themed shorts at reasonable ticket prices to take in; for example, Criminal Shorts, Shorts for Shorties, Tween Shorts, and so forth and so on.
Check the schedule for a comprehensive list (and showtimes) since there are too many to post here.
Closing night (April 30th) there will be a screening of - "500 Days of Summer" - an offbeat romantic comedy about a woman who doesn't believe true love exists, and the young man who falls for her.
Directly after the screening, there will be glittering closing night Gala party in the Via Lido Courtyard.
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