Downtown Dallas is sprinkled with fine museums, chic upscale restaurants to take brunch in, and a bevy of trendy boutiques so you can shop-til-you-drop.
But, just try to plunk down on a knoll of grass for a moment (if you can find one; downtown Dallas is all concrete, after all) and the city's finest will ride out-of-the-blue on a rickety old bike and rudely bark out:
"Get along little doggie."
For example, today I spied a tourist stretch out on a mound of grass to take a respite from it all under a glorious mid-day sun, when he was urged to move on by a couple of law enforcement officers.
When the upscale gentleman in town on business noted he want to take a breather in the parkk for a second or two, one overzealous copper was inclined to snidely remark:
"They don't like that here."
You'd think with the economy failing the way it has been, Dallas and its residents, would be welcoming visitors (and the influx of ready cash) with open arms.
In addition to being thick around the waist and butt, these two losers appeared to be thick in the head as well.
I wanted to point out that one of the last sacred rights an individual has in this great nation is the one that provides that citizens be able to walk the streets freely (and sit in a park openly) without the threat of harassment or a violation of their rights.
But, I expect "they" would have hauled me away and silenced my voice much like they did to another advocate of basic rights and freedoms way back in Dallas in 1963
Dallas, get rid of your "pigs".
After all, they're a detriment to your image!
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