The Secretary of State - Hillary Clinton - emphatically stated on a morning news broadcast that the Government should get to the bottom of it.
Later, a network news shows aired a terse statement Dick Cheney issued to the press in which he asserted for the record that he previously urged that pertinent CIA documents be declassified to shed light on the controversy over CIA interrogation "techniques".
Understandably, in the wake of a big brouhaha building momentum across the Nation, President Barack Obama is now pushing for an investigation of "memogate" and subsequent allegations that the CIA engaged in questionable information-gathering techniques that may have included acts of outright torture (such as "waterboarding").
A spokesperson for the Government was inclined to defend the CIA and its questionable conduct, after offering up two comments in support of his position.
First, he noted for the record that precautions always have to be taken to ensure the values of the American people are upheld in a civilized society.
Then, on the heels of that loaded statement, he inferred by virtue of his follow-up comments, that he was inclined to back CIA arm-twisting tactics now in controversy, due to the extraordinary circumstances that have faced the Nation since 9/11.
We must also defend the people from acts of terrorism and take whatever steps are necessary to ensure their safety and well-being, he added in so many words.In other quarters, an official attempted to assay the fears of his underlings this past week, by alleging that the "interrogations" produced valuable information.
However, he stopped short of any bold-faced claims that the controversial techniques - which some say amounted to primitive acts of torture on foreign prisoners of War - made the practice acceptable.
Meanwhile, on Tuesday, President Obama expressed his own private outrage by noting for the record that the "methods" allegedly used by the CIA underscored that Americans were "losing their bearings".
Even still, the news keeps flip-flopping on Capitol Hill, as politicians appear to be taking cover to save their own sorry hides.
For example, Dennis Blair (Director Of National Intelligence) contradicted his own "statement" twice in one day.
In one memo that was circulating in the hallowed halls of Justice (!) in Washington, Blair asserted that useful information was obtained through the controversial CIA techniques.
Critics jumped on that issue when it was revealed that in a statement released later the same day, the top Intel honcho appeared to be reticent about taking the position that the interrogations - that facilitated physical abuse to extract information - netted any worthwhile data.
Blair is ignorant to at least one truism which may be his downfall.
For an untruthful individual to make their way successfully through a web of deceit without hitting a land mine or two, it is always of paramount importance to keep track of (and remember) the lies!
Yup, the fiasco did not end there.
In a third communication, after the press threw a spotlight on all the irregularities to date, an official turned everything on its ear when he piped up that the techniques were, in fact, fruitful.
"However, there was no way of knowing whether the same information could have been obtained through other means."
Does Blair think we all have "stupid" written on our foreheads?
Read between the lines, take stock of what has unfolded to date, and it should be obvious.
A whole can of worms is about to expose the ugly underbelly of the CIA.
Ultimately, it is only through the CIA memos, classified documents, and direct testimony of expert witnesses in the proper forum, that the truth will be ferreted out - eventually (!).
The Watergate break-in comes to mind at this juncture.
Which was the most egregious act - the actual break-in itself - or the attempted cover-up of the illegal activities after-the-fact?
Curiously, it was announced today that any CIA agent who simply carried out orders at the behest of superiors - will not be charged or prosecuted for any criminal acts.
Was there a behind-the-scenes agreement pacted with said Agents recently in order to pave the way for their eye-witness testimony?
Enquiring minds want to know.
Meanwhile, the henchmen - upper level management types at the CIA who structured the operations - may not get off the hook so easily.
In retrospect, it appears there was a "secret Government" within the "outer" one elected by the "people", operating beyond the arm of the law without any oversight or checks or balances.
And, they should be nailed to the proverbial cross, for that!
News at 11!
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