Between 1993 and 2008 there have been an alarming number of documented incidents (1,562) of nuclear material being lost or stolen in the U.K.
For this reason, the International Atomic Energy Authority have expressed their concerns about potential terrorists threats on the horizon.
Militants trained in Afghanistan have already acquired dirty bomb capability due to an increase in the International black market trade in radioactive materials.
In fact, because of an increased illicit trade of - chemical and biological, radiological and nuclear weapons and materials - the U.K.'s Office for Security and Counter Terrorism has reported that there may be an increased danger of dirty bomb attacks on the Nation from both land and sea.
Because nuclear (CBRN) is used for legitimate purposes, Officials have also warned that there a potential danger of materials being purchased right off the Internet with no one the wiser.
It has been widely reported that al-Queda is the first "transnational organization" to promote the use of CBRN weapons against civilians.
Because of poor security measures, decommissioned materials were also singled out as a growing danger, because they are vulnerable to insiders and terrorist organizations with high-level contacts.
Lord West, the U.K.'s security Minister, alarmed many when he recently asserted that a terrorist attack could be instigated from speed boats cruising undocumented along the Thames River just under the radar.
Consequently, a National Martime Information center has been set up to counter the gaps - in what amounts to - a flawed security system in the U.K.
"I think the public would be surprised to discover that we do not know about every single contact," Lord West confided to the press recently.
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