$5.00 a handshake
(Sarah, you did good)
Another controversy has reared its ugly head in the Palin camp!
When a couple of students stumbled on a proposed iternary for a potential Sarah Palin speaking engagement in the trash - with a list of demands - Officials were incensed!
For starters, the particulars appeared to be a bit excessive in nature for a appearance on campus:
* 2 first class tickets
* Private jet policy
* Deluxe hotel suite
* Pre-screened questions
In addition, there was a stipulation that the facility provide bottled water with bendable straws.
The price tag (though not listed on the trash cast-offs) for the engagement?
$100,000.00 smackeroos!
But, what really irked the Officials was the lack of transparency.
That paperwork should have been recorded and filed and not just tossed in the garbage bin away from prying eyes.
Did Sarah Palin request that the terms and conditions be shrouded in mystery?
News at 11!
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