How about a Latino Drag Show?
The scuttlebutt streaking like lightning around the newswires today is that Paula Abdul has dug in her heels and lamented pouty-lipped:
No way, Jose!
Abdul announced that she will not be showing up for judging duties on - So You Think You can Dance? - when the popular Fox entertainment show strikes up the band next season (in spite of a carrot or two dangled up front from Fox Execs strings-free).
Fox has allegedly offered Paula a cool million in cash to have first dibs on her boob tube persona to stave off the alleged (?) competition waiting in the wings (but even that tempting offer has been turned down by the dizzy hostess with the mostest with nary a fleeting doubter).
Insiders whisper that Paula has her keen eye on teaming up with Simon Cowell when he revs up with his spanking new show X-Factor at Fox next year.
Something tells me, though, that Paula does not have enough "X" quotient to factor in!
News at 11.
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