"American Idol" kicked off a new season filled with promise, until things started to go bump in the night, and sent nervous contestants (and Judges) down a topsy-turvy path that left a few biting their nails and pondering their futures.
Post: 03/24/10
In contrast, American Idol appeared to be struggling to pull itself up by the bootstraps last night, in the aftermath of the fiasco that went down Tuesday evening.
In a heart-to-heart with the contestants, stacked side-by-side like ducks in a row on hard benches, Ryan Seacrest attempted to make sense of the scoreboard (with a little input from the performers) to determine the status of each hapless competitor.
Talk about tough love!
At one point, when Seacrest repeated a criticism uttered up by a snide Simon the night before, a handful of guests in the audience hissed enthusiastically.
Was it just me - or did the Judges appear to be on the "hot seat" - last night?
On occasion, Ellen - for instance - appeared to be put out by the line of questioning.
"Well, I wasn't happy with the song he chose," she retorted in response to a query about Casey's turn at the mic on Tuesday night.
"But, I liked his voice," she snipped a bit indignantly.
At one point, when Cowell was asked if he wanted to change an assessment he made, he paused for a second red-faced before reacting.
"No, I don't," he finally coughed up in so many words as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
In view of the pall that was hanging over the room, it was crystal clear to me, that there must have been some grumbling from above by the powers-that-be on high in the executive suite over controversies that reared their ugly during the American Idol premiere show.
Obviously, the boom had been lowered.
In contrast, when charismatic Miley Cyrus alighted on the stage to perform her new single - "The Last Song" - the mood was all hearts and flowers.
In fact, when the pretty songbird wrapped up her performance on a powerful high note, the electric moment garnered her a standing ovation.
Cyrus was taken aback.
"I've never had a standing ovation before," she gushed.
I wasn't surprised.
The song was perfectly suited to her voice and perfomed to perfection with heartfelt emotion.
American Idol contestants would be wise to follow her example!
Nuff said!
Ryan handled details well last night!
That bad, eh?
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