Last week, I noticed an overweight slovenly-looking cop (what else is new?) harassing a middle-aged black woman on the street for allegedly jay-walking!
Big bully!
He must be proud of himself - picking on a poor defenseless women - because he was bored that day.
Disgraceful conduct, too, when you consider the senior citizen probably couldn't afford to pay for the $67.00 fine out of her pension or SSI disability check at the end of the month.
Just betcha his dick is about an inch long!
Another impotent member of the local police packing a gun to bolster their manhood (what there is of it).
Unfortunately, the incident I witnessed last week was not an isolated case.
This fat fu** - with all the charm of a worm - lurks in the shadows each day waiting to entrap the locals and tourists, too, as they jog along Maryland Parkway (near Clark County Library).
The tourist trade has been complaining that business is down, and they're losing their homes.
Well, no wonder, when you have an a**hole like Alan Doyle harassing the few that venture into these picturesque parts for a bit rest and relaxation.
Heck, Doyle doesn't even have the decency to have a chat with an "alleged" jaywalker first, before ceremoniously writing up a ticket.
Surely, it's possible that there could have been a misunderstanding - a cultural difference - whatever!
Obviously, if Alan Dyle can't fathom that one, he has sh** for brains.
Or, quite simply, his sly intention from the get-go was to rack up his quota of tickets for the day, and the hell with the unjustices he hurls out at his innocent victims.
Talk about a perverse sick sense of humor!
He outta be strung up by the balls, then, tarred-and-feathered.
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