I laughed this morning when I plucked up the remote for the TV in my Hotel room and came across a curious news report about the date - 09/09/09 - being an auspicious day to marry.
On this premise, a number of doey-eyed lovebirds plan to trot down to City Hall today (or the local Chapel) to tie the knot under the impression that their Holy Union will somehow be blessed by the Cosmic forces.
What a load of hoey!
On the contrary, today's date is rife with vibrations that are of a serious (more ominous) nature.
A few years ago, I appeared each week on a TV Show on CKVU in Vancouver ( known as Tomorrow's Fortune) where I provided spiritual guidance for free to callers dialing into the station on based on a first-come first-serve basis.
In addition to my psychic perceptions, I also used my skills in numerology to calculate the vibrations at play in my subject's lives throughout that particular year.
The No. 9 represents death, transformation, and change.
True, if one marries - and leaves the single life behind - a "change" is definitely in the offing.
Since an individual may be relinquishing aspects of the bachelor life in order to embark on path of marriage, in essence, there is a "death" of a part of the "self to be sure.
Personally, I would prefer that a couple start off in a "1" cyle because it represents a new start, positive footing, and letting go of the past (after having learned valuable lessons on life's journey to date).
I surmise that some clever marketing person noticed that when items are priced on sale that two "9's" are often used to attract shoppers.
From a physchological point of view - $2.99, for example - appears to be a better deal that the one that is offered at $3.00.
Image the power of 3 "9's", then, some promotions person must have thought to his or her self.
All nonesense, in respect to "good fortune" and/or "positive vibrations".
Curiously, as I was keying in the paragraph about the dark forces inherent with the number "9", the bank of computers along the wall I was surfing the Internet on all went black!
Each PC user online at that moment was forced to reboot their computers.
Then, an emergency alarm sounded out-of-the-blue!
With a few seconds, security guards were ushering us all out the door, until such time that the cause of the problem was ascertained.
In addition, there was the dining disaster this morning (!!!) at the Omelette House (Plaza Hotel/Las Vegas) which I intend to post a consumer alert about later this afternoon.
No. 9 is a potent powerful force, alright.
In sum, the vibrations are not only dramatic, but capable of shaking the very foundations of an individual's life.
If I had my druthers, I'd hide away in my Hotel room - munching on tasty snacks and tossing back a couple of ice-cold buds 'til the witching hour passed at midnight - allowing the whole merry-go-round of troublesome energy to pass me right by until the 10th of September.
Nine of Swords worst card in Tarot deck!
(Stab in the back, treachery, death)
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