It appears Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his motley crew of religious extremists don't want anyone looking at their money flow "too closely." My guess is that it might reveal that some of the money is coming from questionable sources.
From the AFP:
The United States Friday welcomed action by an international anti-money laundering watchdog urging Iran to close loopholes in its financial system and take steps to limit terrorist financing.Of course, it's probably not a coincidence that Iran is next door to Afghanistan, where opium production has reached an all-time high. Please note that most of the opium production is backed by the Taliban, who aren't exactly friendly towards the West, either.
US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said he was pleased with the statement earlier Friday by The Financial Action Task Force, which groups 34 countries, calling on the Islamic Republic to take action.
The Financial Action Task Force has taken a dramatic step in highlighting the significant threat Iran poses to the international financial system," Paulson said in a statement.
"As the premier standard-setting body for countering terrorist financing and money laundering, the FATF's expression of concern toward Iran speaks volumes."
In case, you are interested in a non-Western source -- which might support this contention read the Daily Times of Pakistan -- where they recently reported a large heroin/hashish bust on the border of Iran and Afghanistan, here.
What's interesting is that penalties in Iran for drugs are pretty harsh, despite the fact that they seem to have a drug problem within their country. If you continue to the bottom of this post, a video is referenced showing the drug problem in Iran.
The use of drugs is forbidden in the Islamic religion.
Nonetheless, it seems that if the money from drugs is for what they (Mahmoud and motley crew) and the Taliban perceive as a good cause, they seem to look the other way. Otherwise, it is logical that they would embrace financial transparency within their borders.
To sum this up, it's no secret that Iran supports and funds a lot of terrorist activity. The fall-out from this terrorist activity causes a lot of pain and suffering to a lot of people, worldwide.
Since drugs are forbidden by the Islamic religion, this clearly shows how Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his motley crew of religious extremists are no more than a bunch of hypocrites.
A wise person once told me if you want to get to the bottom of a problem -- follow the money. It always tells the truth.
AFP story, here.
At the bottom of this post is a YouTube video, which shows a woman smoking heroin. It also shows that she has to prostitute herself to survive.
Women have been treated pretty harshly in Iran since religious extremists took over. This is part of an interesting series, which was aired on the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation).
Casual sex is highly frowned upon in Iran, also. If you take a look at the video, the woman stops at a pharmacy to purchase condoms. This would lead me to believe there is more casual sex in Iran than we are led to believe.
Mahmoud also claims there are no, or at least very few gay people in Iran. I'll bet the CBC, or another reputable news organization (given the proper resources) might prove him wrong about this, just like they did in this telling series.
I would guess that gay people have a vested interest in staying in the closet under his regime.
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