(Screen shot courtesy of Websense)
Krackin is one place you don't want to try to download music, or videos. The result will be your computer becoming what is known as a zombie, which will be used to spew out spam e-mails, which facilitate Internet fraud.
If you have clicked on this, I highly recommend reading the link in Websense's alert, which I have provided below.
Websense is reporting:
Websense® Security Labs™ has received several reports of a new Web site that is being distributed in spam sent out by those running the Storm attacks. For more details on the Storm attack, see (http://www.websense.com/securitylabs/blog/blog.php?BlogID=141).
This site poses as a new piece of software called "Krackin v1.2" and advertises:
* Easy to install
* Auto-Virus scanning* Mobile Source Downloading
* IP Blocking to Prevent Tracking
* Unwanted User Blocking
Users with unpatched computers are automatically exploited. Users with patched computers are prompted to download and run a file called "kracking.exe" This file contains the Storm payload code.
Websense alert, here.
On a final note, if you are a parent, this would be a good topic to cover with younger family members. From the appearance of the screenshot above, it would likely attract younger users.
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