At around 9:45, the AMC theatre was relatively empty - but then - a steady gaggle of giggling girls suddenly dashed through the door last-minute (make-up touches in the ladies's room?) and into their seats to prime themselves for the much-ballyhooed event.
A screening of the latest sequel in the Twilight Series, of course!
Once the title page for the 3rd segment in the Vampire saga sprang to life on the widescreen there was an endless stream of screaming throughout - specially when gooey-eyed fans spied their favorite characters - when they sauntered on screen into spotlight.
These passionate twi-hards even squealed when the credits for Taylor Launter, Kristen Stuart, and Robert Pattison crawled along at the end of the flick on a mundane black background.
Probably the biggest uproar occurred when Victoria got her comeuppance.
The applause and cackles of approval were deafening to the ears!
In this sequel, there is a big focus on what amounted to - in human terms - teen angst.
Before you could say "fashionista" - the characters began to make their entrances on screen in a truckload of designer threads - sure to be the envy of any Abercrombie & Fitch aficianado.
The Vampy fashion smorgasbord was a feast for the eyes!
But, the style went far beyond that!
In this fantastical Vampire thriller, going in for the kill, was no idle matter.
Indeed, the filmmakers have the honed the "Art of the Kill" and refined it to perfection.
This time out, "Twilight" is more violent in nature - and for this reason - took a departure from the fluffly image that went before it.
Much to the relief of die-hard fans - who have no doubt been getting testy about the proliferation of "cold hard stares" with no follow thru - Eclipse goes for the jugular.
So, just as I was about to fall asleep amidst the adoring sweet young things in the packed theatre all around me, I was jolted wide awake and managed to coast through on adrenlin rushes half-way through the picture and on to the end of the flick.
There were quite a few impressive fight scenes where snarling wolves - vicious-looking characters, indeed - fought ferociously with a posse of half-naked studs flexing big time here-and-there about the wild terrain.
I wonder what Freud would think of this mixed imagery?
For romantic twi-hards, Edward and Bella were set in a field of flowers at one juncture, where the pretty young lovers whispered sweet-nothings and discussed plans for their upcoming wedding.
In a heart-to-heart, Bella quelled Edward's fears that his headstrong future mate, may be giving up too much for his sake.
In one touching moment, Bella succinctly spilled the beans.
"I'm doing this for me," she softly confessed in so many words.
"Eclipse" is a visually-stunning feature that mesmerizes one moment (and stupifies the next).
In the final analysis, it's a "surface" flick, that speaks volumes about a culture.
All style, and no substance, is the bite that kills Twilight's "Eclipse".
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