What do they say about foolin' the people?
When I trotted to the mailbox today, I was startled by an envelope which fell out of the box into my hands, with the name of President Barack Obama emblazoned on the front left corner.
Barack who?
Oh, that guy.
Was I being invited to the White House for an elegant formal dinner - and the opportuunity to hob-nob with the rich and powerful - just like those gate-crashers who wandered in under a blanket of twinkling stars as the moon hung ripe with promise in the night sky?
Barack was just peddling for bucks!
But, I confess, he did some fancy pitching first - enough so - that I just about slipped a fiver into the return envlope with a hasty "Good luck, Barack" penned in an elegant scroll.
You never know where these precious scraps end up, after all.
Soft-soaping people (as my gramma would say) will go a long way to put folks in a right generous mood, so he started off with an affectionate pat on the back.
"Through your hard work, irrepressible voice and unflinching courage (!) we have put America firmly on the path to a brighter, more prosperous future."
Then, Barack moved on to heighten the stakes a tad.
In the first few well-written (persuasive) paragraphs, the President managed to cover a lot of ground.
"After years of struggle, every American is now guaranteed affordable health insurane that cannot be taken away when they get sick. Every American is covered by the toughest consumer protections in history, and every American will benefit from lower costs for care."
Sounds great to moi!
Then, Barack took a shot at the biggie!
"Our economy has begun to recover after the worst financial crisis in 75 years. Companies are beginning to hire, our neighbours are finding jobs, and entrepreneurs are starting businesses to provide new goods and services."
Heh, Mr. President, do you expect that the portents are good for landing an executive-level post in development at one of the major studios right about now?
Maybe you could throw some seed money Hollywood's way to nurse it along?
Arnold would be forever grateful, 'ya know!
In addition, the Prez boasted about his achievements in the education arena.
"We have lowered the cost of college education, so that more Americans can gain the training and education they need to live happier, more productive and fulfilling lives."
So, that's what it takes to find peace of mind!
At this point, if I was uncertain about what Barack Obama was talking about when he spoke of "Change" on the campaign trail, he decided to enlighten me.
"When I talked about change in my presidential campaign, this is what I was talking about: coming together on behalf of the American people to solve problems and build a stronger more hopeful future for all."
Now, he moved in for the kill.
"However, the 2010 election season is upon us. In less than six months, the American people will go to the polls for the Congressional midterm elections. Republicans leaders are campaigning (you don't say!) on a pledge to repeal these accomplishments (those dirty basta**s!) and many others, if they gain majority control of Congress in November."
"We can't let that happen," he continued in a forthright manner.
"We have come too far. We have worked too hard to return to the failed Republican policies that created this mess in the first place"
The President proceeded to underscore that special interests have shaped the status quo in Washington, and that they are strong, and they are fighting tooth and nail to protect their privileged positions.
For this reason, the President urgeed that I and others join the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
"The DCCC has the technical expertise, political experience, and strategic perspective to lead the campaign to defend House Democrats. They also have an impressive record of success."
I trust none of the celebrated members weren't involved in any capacity in the BP oil debacle, then?
"With a strong Democratic majority in the House, we will continue to enact new initiatives and reforms to defend the middle class - to create millions of jobs, support small businesses, and drive up wages. We will step up investments in the educaiton of our children and develop the clean energy technology that must power our future; and we will take the steps necessary to protect the economy from reckless Wall Street abuses."
Barack summed up with a directive right out of the Latin books:"Let's seize this moment - to start anew, to carry the dream forward (which dream is that?). Stand with me, Speaker Pelosi, and the courageous Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives."
"Please support thier campaign with a generous contribution today."
Do you suppose they DCCC will take an IOU until I see how things pan out?
The Democrats Queen of the Tea Party!