Early in the afternoon, costumed revellers began the trek into well-manicured WeHo from the far corners of the big orange, city workers cordoned off the streets to make way for madding crowds, and party girls of all sexual persuasion hiked up their skirts to get ready for what was expected to be a lot of scintillating action.
Another festive Halloween Carnival was about to blast off in tony Boys Town!
By the time dusk fell on the bustling incorporated "gay" city, a posse of frustrated drivers were darting here-and-there in search of a safe haven for their vehicles, die-hard party aficionadod were about to down their third potent exotic cocktail, and strains of a catchy beat or two began to put folks in a par-tay mood.
The annual event, which attracted about 400,000 enthusiastic strong this year, was well underway by the end of the happy hour.
The costumes, as usual - were bright, festive, costly, skimpy, unexpected, a laugh riot - you name it.
One of my favorites was the "my space" outfit which was novel.
Meanwhile, down the strip a stretch, the formal festivities swung into high gear when the Mayor of WeHo officially crowned talk show host Riki Lake the Queen of the Halloween Carnival.
Quips from the outrageous MC had the high-voltage crowd of party guests rockin' & rollin' in stitches in the gay old streets 'til wrap-up around the witching hour.
Naturally, I nabbed the whole riotous proceeding on my HD Video camera.
There was quite a mix of folks swarming through gay gulch throughout the high-energy event - a flock of lookie-loo's or two in from the burbs (I expect), fanciful Queens in sheer stockings with ubiquitous boobs and big hair mugging alongside clever impersonators poking fun at Barack Obama and Dick Cheney, and a smattering of faeries, nymphs, witches, Gladiators, and what-have-you.
Here's the Prez chatting up a street reporter:
Some were just content to sashay down the street under a howling silvery moon, kick up their heels a tad, and engage in some plain-old-fashioned fun.
Others chose the occasion to push their agendas - even rip-off an unsuspecting customer or two - go figure.
For example, one aggressive young dude was there to collect signatures for a petition to legalize marijuana.
"Tax the sale of marijuana to boost the public coffers. And, eradicate the Mexican Drug cartels in one fell swoop, too" he more-or-less spouted to all within earshot.
Got it all captured on video, too:
Unfortunately, a few unscrupulous little devils chose to take advantage of part-goers who may have been tipsy or a bit disoriented because of elaborate costumes that hindered most of their commonly depended-on senses to keep their wits about 'em.
For example, I strode into Z Pizza (just down from Mickey's) to grab a light snack.
When I asked the counter server how much a slice of pepperoni cost, curiously, he held his hand up behind the other person working alongside him and signalled the number 5.
At first, I never thought much of the odd way he communicated the price, except it did not escape my attention that earlier in the week a similar order cost less for some inexplicable reason.
But, it all made sense (cents?) a few moments later.
After I turned on my heel, I suddenly realized I forgot to pluck up a napkin.
Lo & behold!
When I swung around to grab one, I spied the clerk plop the $5.00 bill in the drawer of the register, then snatch up two dollars which he proceeded to deftly plop into his tip jar!
That little fu**er!
Not only did he rob me of the two bucks - but at the same time - he was slyly using his employer's business to carry out his nefarious scam!
However, the rest of the night was relatively free of irritations.
In fact, as I casually strolled down the street capturing hilarious little video clips for posterity, I often mingled with the dancing the hoi poloi and wiggled my tight little a** for a spell or two too!
But, after catching these 3 dizzy Queens impersonating Tina Turner, it dawned on me it was time to tuck in.
I was all fagged out!
Although it was past midnight, swarms of cars were still cruising in, from the great spooky beyond.
And, when I was spotted climbing into my SUV, the bastards were all over me like flies on sh**.
Gosh, I could have rented that space and made a bloody fortune!
Well, maybe next year.
Til then!

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