On the heels of a tweet (in which Abdul warbled her Idol swan song) I whipped up a post to hasten along the startling news to die-hard fans and rapt industry-insiders.
Boo Hoo!
Today, the dailies were awash with a lot of rumor and innuendo, understandably.
Was the green-eyed monster (taunted & egged on by a lucrative Seacrest deal) holding-out for too much moolah - potential replacements snickered on the sidelines - as they rubbed their hands in glee and kept their eye on the brass ring?
Was nutso Paula being pushed out the door at the behest of ruthless money-grubbing suits in starched shirts only concerned with the bottom line?
Just maybe, the bimbo babe's negotiating ploys lost steam, in the gathering musical-chairs storm?
Mary McNamara - a journalist at the Los Angeles Times- offered up the best little ditty which gets a nod for the quote of the day.
"Just how much is a reliable train wreck worth?"
Whoopsie-daisy, Paula!
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