The Federal Bureau of Investigation warns consumers of recently reported spam e-mail purportedly from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) which is actually an attempt to steal consumer information. The e-mail advises the recipient that direct deposit is the fastest and easiest way to receive their economic stimulus tax rebate. The message contains a hyperlink to a fraudulent form which requests the recipient's personally identifiable information, including bank account information. To convince consumers to reply, the e-mail warns that a failure to complete the form in a timely manner will delay the issuance of the rebate check.
My guess is that the intent in getting your bank account information is to take it over and drain it of all it's assets.
Please note that phishing normally requires a person to willingly give up their information, but more and more, a new phenomenon is being seen called a drive by infection is being seen in the "wild" a.k.a. the Internet.
I wrote about this recently in a post called, "Nowadays, all you need to do is visit the wrong site to have your personal information stolen! "
As noted in the post, the phishermen have been seen using social engineering ploys, along with malicious software in conjunction with each other.
If you want to learn more via FBI recommended educational tools, or report a phishy e-mail, here is a way you may do so:
Please notify the IC3 by filing a complaint at More information on scams is also available on and
You can also report IRS related phishing scams to, here.
FBI press release with example of one of the phishmails, here.
In case you want to see when you are going to get your "actual" stimulus check (if you qualify), the IRS has a tool to figure it all out on their site.
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