Motel 6 on Tropicana Blvd in Vegas commits fraud!
When tourists, business-men and travelers in general book a room on the Internet, they generally choose a Motel or Hotel that offers either free WiFi or access at low-ball rates.
In an effort to lure customers, Motel 6 promises WiFi access at $2.99 for a twenty-four hour period.
Sound too good to be true?
It is!
Motel 6 owners have been caught in the act of making fraudulent representations - which have not only resulted in a rip-off to consumers - but managed to tarnish their name and reputation in the process.
Because of their deceptive and deceitful business practices, there may may be a class-action lawsuit against Motel 6 for fraud, breach of agreement, false advertising,, etc.
On Friday June 4th, for instance, guests checked into the Motel 6 at the Tropicana Blvd location in Las Vegas, and paid for WiFi service in full expecting 24 hour service.
Within an hour or two, motel guests were startled to be “cut off” the WiFi connection by virtue of a dialogue box that stated the session was over.
How could that be?
If an individual bought twenty-four hour service at 3 p.m. in the afternoon, wouldn’t their WiFi connection be good until at least check out the following day at 11 a.m.?
Are the employees so stupid at Motel 6 that they can't perform simple mathematics?
It would appear that they have any IQ of about 2!
After-the-fact, the Staff proceeded to give guests the run-around when the complaints starting lighting up the switchboard.
“We’re checking with our tech guy right now,” a front desk clerk promised.
“Check back in ten minutes," another chirped up.
In twenty minutes (one guest gave a little breathing room) there were empty excuses.
“We’re waiting to hear back from them,” a manager asserted with a touch of doubt in his voice.
Thirty minutes later?
Still, a no-go!
Around 11: 15 p.m. - when the connection (though paid in full in advance) was not up and running - a guest called down to the Motel's front desk once again.
“Oh, we can’t provide any service tonight,” a foggy-headed gal stated matter-of-fact without stating why or offering up clues as to when the service would be available once again phe er the legally binding terms of the WiFi agreement.
Quite a few guests were pi**ed because work they brought along to complete while relaxing at the Motel in the midst of a tropical heat wave in Las Vegas, was left unfinished due to the unscrupulous fraudulent conduct of staff at Motel 6.
Bottom line?
What is a guest supposed to do - check out and go to another Hotel? - or traipse around the city with the hope of finding WiFi service down the street somewhere in the jungle that is the Vegas strip?
Consequently, Motel 6 should be avoided at all costs, unless you don’t mind your holiday plans going down the tubes because dishonest inn-keepers at Motel 6 are falsely representing services that they never intended to make good on once the credit cards were billed and charged and guests were firmly ensconced in their rooms.
Motel 6 is a plague upon America and should be avoided at all cost.
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