Charlie toughens up for the slammer!
Legendary Katharine Hepburn!
Actor Charlie Sheen originally copped a sweet plea deal with the court that has some critics shaking their heads.
“That’s not punishment,” one disgusted reporter lamented.
Charlie was prepared to plead no contest to a charge of felony menacing, and subsequently, receive a thirty day jail sentence to be served in the Picton County Jail (Colorado).
Background Info
Post: 06/03/10
But last minute, the deal was aborted.
Legal eagles were predicting that Charlie would actually end up in the slammer for a fraction of the sentence (17 days) based on time served and good behavior.
But what was getting the goat of some, was a stint of community service, that stipulated that Charlie appear daily at a local theatre and provide acting classes for aspiring young actors residing in the upscale skiing resort.
To some, it appeared to make a mockery of the court, when you consider that Charlie was being asked to perform a task (as punishment) that involved activities he warms up to (and makes a living at).
Others snidely remarked that Charlie wasn’t qualified for the role as coach for budding performers pursuing a career in live theatre productions.
“Sheen isn’t known for being a stage actor,” one reporter astutely noted.
But, to be fair - under the circumstances - the Judge’s considered directive isn't too far off the mark.
There are many instances in the past where celebrity defendants (Michael Phelps?) were ordered to offer up advice in community service situations as part ‘n parcel of their sentence.
As to the issue of Charlie’s lack of stage experience?
Stage acting and film acting are quite different in approach.
Film acting tends to be more internal due to the intimate nature of film.
On the other hand, stage actors are required to turn up their performance - play bigger - in a theatrical environment geared to a live audience.
Unlike film - where a director may abort a scene in the bud that is going awry - in the stage scenario actors are required to build and sustain a performance without the luxury of being able to stop and go until they get it right.
There is only one instance in the history of the theatre where that golden rule was broken.
The legendary Katharine Hepburn was starring in a stage production on Broadway at the height of her theatrical career.
Shortly after the play began, things went awry - so much so - that Ms. Hepburn was inclined to halt the production dead in its tracks.
After a quick apology to the startled audience - this was definitely a first, folks - Hepburn instructed the stage hands to bring down the curtain so that the production could start up on stronger legs after a breather for a moment or two.
Although the troubled actor may not be able to focus on skills specific to stage acting because of his lack of experience on the boards - because Sheen is a competent actor (and recognized as such in the business) with hands-on acting experience under his belt - he does possess vital worthwhile information about the acting business in general.
And, thus, Mr. Sheen is capable of passing on tips to actors that they would not otherwise be able to glean from school texts.
Charlie’s take on the business and his thoughts on acting (even how he prepares for a role he is undertaking) are intriguing aspects of the business - that from a practical point of view - may prove to be invaluable to a student interesting in pursuing a career as an actor.
So, whether Charlie breaks a leg or not, remains to be seen in July when a hearing is slated to firm up the details.
God willing!
News Update
The prosecution discovered that Sheen does not qualify for work release because he is not a local resident
Also, public service requires stricter rules, which Sheen allegededly nixed.
Back to the drawing board to hammer out a new deal!
Sheen is due back in Court July 12th.
DUI rustles up community service!
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