Fortunately, the PR Department for the Asian Pacific Film Festival, held a private screening of "Au Revoir Taipei" at Raleigh Studios yesterday for members of the press.
Usually, film critics catch a myriad of offerings during the course of a festival, but there is one problem with that from a filmgoers point of view.
By the time the review has been published, the festival has wrapped, and the project has moved on to the next circuit event in search of a distributor.
Consequently, a potential fan base has been left dangling and SOL.
Since my review of the film by Chinese-American filmmaker Arvin Chen is being posted today, there will be ample opportunity to snatch up a ticket and take in the delightful feature which kicks-off the Festival at the DGA on April 29th (2010).
Understandably, AU REVOIR TAMPEI, was a hit at the recent Berlin Film Festival.
The storyline focuses on KAI, who has been moping over the fact his girlfriend left TAMPEI, for more exciting climbs in Paris (France).
In anticipaton of a long-awaited trek overseas to reunite with the object of his passion, he toils in his family's restaurant during the day, and brushes up on his French under the glow of the midnight oil each evening.
When an unexpected love interest wanders into the picture, Kai is suddenly pulled in two intriguing directions.
A run-in with a gang of thugs (a motley crew festooned in smart-suits in matching neon hues) manages to rev up the stakes out-of-the-blue.
Although nothing earth-shattering goes down here - there are a handful of amusing scenes, a posse of likeable characters (who turn in fine performances one and all) - and enough surprise jolts to keep filmgoers laughing throughout.
A slice of Taipei life is a feast for the eyes, too.
Director Arvin Chen
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