Robert F. Kennedy SOS!
Recently, I caught a thought-provoking (disturbing) documentary on the plight of the Polar Bear at the Artivist Film Festival at the Egyptian Theatre (Hollywood).
Post: 12/06/09
Now, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has also sprung into action to prevent the Polar Bear from disappearing off the face of the globe.
Early this week, for example, I opened my snail mailbox - and a well-researched packet on global warming and its impact on the Polar Bear - fell out into my hands.
In the informative documents fired off under the auspices of the NRDC (Earth's Best Defense) - Mr. Kennedy noted that in spite of the mounting death toll in the Arctic - the Interior Department has refused to give the polar bear the highest level of endangered species protection it so urgently needs and deserves.
Dumb politicians, with no compassion or foresight - such as Sarah Palin - have actually put their energy into ensuring the Polar Bear is not protected or included on the endanagered species list.
Shocking, in view of the facts, staring mankind in the face.
Right now the muffled cries of newborn polar bears can be heard far and wide as their snowy dens collapse from unseasonable rains.
The young are also succumbing to starvation after enduring longer and longer periods without food.
By virtue of a petition, Kennedy notes that over one million Americans are now preparing to call on the Obama administration to give the polar bear full-fledged protection.
In addition, the politician-turned-environmentalist, is fighting alongside other concerned citizens in federal courts around the country to put an end to industry groups and trophy hunters pushing the bear one step closer to extinction.
Inside the envelope, the NRDC has included a petition to sign and return to their headquarters in Merrifield (VA), with a plea to Interior Secreary Ken Salazar to launch a program to protect the bears right now.
Concerned citizens may also contribute donations (five dollars, ten dollars, whatever) to help fund the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).
In closing, Kennedy underscores that it will be an uphill battle, because there will be pressure from Oil lobbyists to maintain the current George Bush policy to promote oil exploration first and foremost.
If you recall, before leaving office - in the 11th hour of his Presidency - George W. auctioned off a vast expanse of Alaska's Chukchi Sea (home of half-a-million polar bears) to Shell and other oil corporations.
For starters, that could place the imperiled polar bear population in the path of any disastorous oil spill.
Act now, eh?
National Resources Defense Council
40 West 20th Street
New York, New York
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