If a White man speaks the truth
(He's labelled a racist)
Latinos worst offenders
In the morning Los Angeles Times - some idiot columnist in the front section of the daily - put forth the notion that because the Census Bureau will release statistics soon that indicate Latinos will be the majority in LA LA LAND in the future a concerted effort should be made to accommodate these immigrants from south of the border.
What a ludicrous premise to build an argument on.
A number of white folks I know have moved out of the city, because they allege that the City of Angels is overrun (their words, not mine) with Latinos.
Others compare the situation to smog.
"You get used to it. Take the necessary precautions," they quip somewhat amused.
Some say, Latinos have brought the backlash on themselves, due to their inappropriate defiant conduct and outright refusal to assimilate into the culture here alongside a smattering of other races thankful to be on these shores (without griping).
Locals lament that they are increasingly annoyed by the fact that their newspapers arrive late in the morning, the doors of Jack-in-the-Box and McDonald's always open late (never on the hour), and so forth and so on.
Siestas may be the norm in Mexico, but don't cut it here, north of the border.
U.S. residents also complain that when they venture into a store operated mostly by Latino Immigrants, employees openly speak Spanish - thus, excluding English-speaking White Anglo-Saxons from the conversation - which they find not only rude but downright insulting.
In many instances, workers don't even speak the language, so when a problem arises in the business establishment the immigrants are unable to comprehend the specifics and rectify the consumer's complaint issues.
Simple concepts like conserving water, for instance, are beyond them.
Ad nauseam they water down sidewalks mid-day during water shortgages without a clue!
Yes, what we have here is a failure to communicate, or understand the American culture.
Maybe, the INS should give classes on the U.S. way of life, with the requirement of a passing grade before legal papers are rubber-stamped for approval.
If the government doesn't put a handle on the growing culture clash soon, my crystal ball portends an impasse, which may result in an uprising from within the borders (spelling disaster).
Obama, the ball is in your court!
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