Mr. Blackwell infamous for fashion haikus
Last year, when Obama was triapsing about on the campaign trail - vigorously pursuing the role of Commander-in-Chief - I penned a post with a handful of fashion tips so the upstart from Chicago would cut a fine sartorial path for potential supporters.
Post: 06/05/08
A blogger stumbled across the fashion spread, and hinted to his readers, that I just might be the fashion wit, to fill the shoes of legendary Mr. Blackwell.
Blackwell - formerly a well-respected fashion designer - was King of the Haiku quips - so when he passed to spirit last year there was a cavernous tongue-in-check void to fill.
So, I took up the delightful task and and unveiled my 1st Annual Worst and Best-Dressed lists for Women and Men at the end of the year.
Post: 12/28/08
Post: 01/31/09
Can it really be a year later since the first platform shoe dropped with a thud?
So, yesterday, I posted my 2nd Annual Best and Worst-Dressed list for Women - Cher, Sarah Palin, and Pop Icon Lady Gaga (in a special category) - among 'em.
Post: 12/31/08
Today, I offer up my 2nd Annual list of Best and Worst-Dressed list, featuring the man-about-town who often curried favor (and the down-on-their scruffy heels dudes who did not)).
10 Best Dressed
Adam Lambert
Adma Lambert is a Peacock in heat!
When he struts on stage - his electric persona charges the stadium - for starters.
A large part of the performer's appeal is a collection of rags that not only screams out sex! and sensuality! but a distinctive ahead-of-the pack unique style that's difficult to resist.
I expect there'll be an eclectic line of high-end T-shirts on the horizon that will be snapped up by die-hard fans and dedicated followers of American Ido, to boot.
Bill Hemmer
One of the few men that manages to look sexy in specs!
Maybe it's that sensitive mug behind 'em that grabs, 'ya.
Notwithstanding, the well-heeled anchor turns heads for other reasons, too.
Bill dons tastefully-tailored suits and sporcoats - and unlike many male animals of the species - manages to select ties and accessories that match up smartly.
Wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers, would you?
Nick Lachey
Nick has the dark looks that the dames go wild over and the kind of fashion savvy that makes his contemporaries green with envy.
Although he is particularly studly and handsome in pricey designer suits with fashion accessories like - elegant ties and quality belts with tasteful shoes that round out the ensemble - he is also able to saunter into a no-man's land where other dudes should not venture ever.
Above, he smartly teams a light-colored patterned jacket with a pale dress shirt, for a look that is decidedly carefree and dapper.
Jimmy Smitts
Years ago, when I was blessed with a regular part-time gig on LA LAW, I always marvelled at how smart the male characters were turned out on the set.
Of course, all the appealing actors - Harry Hamlin, Jimmy Smitts, Blair Underwood - were fortunate to have a wardrobe crew with great taste working feverishly on their behalf behind-the-scenes and (at the time) a major studio behind 'em with bottomless pockets to jazz up the image of the popular hit show.
But, Jimmy Smitts has never been a slouch in the "style" department.
Over the years, he has always cut a fine swath, in his high-profile career.
His choices run the gamut - but ultimately - he's fully aware of his true assets.
Therefore, Smitts is inclined to snatch up designer suits that accent his dark good looks, imposing frame, and outgoing personality.
Brad Pitt
Clothed (or not) Brad Pitt is the kind of eye-candy that appeals across the board - to women and men - alike.
Don't 'ya hate him?
Whatever the latest fashion trend, he's capable of tossing it on his buffed silhouette without much thought, and come up the stylish winner.
Whether he's in an expensive tailored suit at a private viewing at the local art gallery, or tooling around town in casual duds doing chores, Pitt always exudes a great fashion sense for that particular moment.
Like a bottle of wine, Pitt is getting better with age, too!
Barack Obama
The caption reads "Dress like a Winner".
And, it's obvious to many, that Barack Obama - at this stage of the political and social game - is one!
Especially, when it comes to sartorial spendour.
Barack has an enviable closet-full of suits, fancy-dress shirts, and elegant ties sure to keep the local drycleaner busy.
Although his bicycle garb appears a little goofy to some - to me - it's part of his charm.
If anything, it underscores the man's confidence, too.
In the final analyis?
It's style - not the clothes - that make the man!
Brian Williams
When it comes to style, it's the subtle details, that matter.
Brian Williams is a prime example of a man-about-town with an eye for fashion sensibilities.
Check out his wardrobe pictured above.
Just the right amount of cuff is showing at the arm of his suit jacket.
And, of course, the collar is not only pressed to perfection, but also provides the perfect frame for his correctly-knotted (tastefully-pattterned tie).
Kudos, Brian!
Prince Charles
Take a gander at Prince Charles and it's obvious right-off-the-bat that the man is a clotheshorse.
When it comes to suits, in particular, he's strictly Saville Row.
Just betcha Camilla would be hard-pressed to find a tacky boldly-pattered cravat on his tie rack.
Pocket handkerchiefs are a subtle touch that underscore a man's attentiion to detail - and, of course - draw attention to fashion savvy.
The man who-would-be King has it in spades!
Viggo Mortensen
Viggo has appeared in a dozen or so screen projects which run the gamut - from gangster films and fantasy bill-of-fare - to romantic thrillers.
Consequently, he's sported a multitude of fashion attitudes that have tended to suit the handsome leading man.
Recently, at a screening of the "The Road", I was thrilled to get an up-close take on the talented actor.
Unlike many spoiled movie stars who turn up in jeans and sloppy t-shirts with baseball caps askew to one side, Viggo displayed a remarkable sense of style.
The tailored dress slacks - and designer sport coat teamed with a chic pullover - was a breath of fresh fashion flair that turned heads.
A litlte bit of star quality didn't hurt, either.
David Beckham
I suppose you could say that Becks is the best-dressed undressed man!
Right down to his sexy skivvies - straining at the seams in all directions - the man's discerning taste is totally cock-sure.
With Pop Diva Victoria (Posh Girl) on his arm, on a night on the town, he usually puts in an electric appearance that is none too shabby, either.
Becks is especially manly - and charismatic - in high-end suits by Italian designers with a smattering of accessories that excite and delight the fashion senses.
10 Worst-Dressed List
Jon Gosselin
Is Jon Gosselin with child?
If not, what's with the loose-fitting mu-mu?
I expect those baubbles at his neck are worry beads.
If my image was down the dumper, I'd be say a few Holy Mary's, too.
With all the big bucks reality TV has tossed his way, Jon should try to conjure up a new image, with the help of a handful of Hollywood's top make-over wizards.
A jog along the trendy trail at the Beverly Hills flats is worth considering.
Who knows, maybe he'll hook up with a socialite, with an eye for the glare of the spotlight (and torrid scandals).
Howie Mandell
If you didn't recognize the "Deal or No Deal" TV Host, you might mistake him for ther Maytag repair man in that loopy leather (OMG) cap and polyester "one-size-fits-all" overshirt.
Meanwhile, that scraggly fringe on his chinny-chin-chin, is a wild-'n-scary discombobulated mess to beat the band!
And, the clashing earring (what were you thinking?) says it all:
Fashion faux pas!
TMZ Cub Reporters
On the gossip trail under the cover of dark, it's a-okay to downplay a splasy entrance, and hide the bling.
But, on a Nationally-televised hit show?
Do the cub reporters on TMZ really have such little fashion sense?
Max, for example, flip-flops from show-to-show - passable duds on one broadcast one night - unsightly pukey mis-matches (like the off-color plaid number he chucked on buttoned up to the neck) the next.
Recently, Harvey Levin and one of his top-notch gossip spies, admitted to sharing t's.
Is the budget on the show that strapped, or does just about anything blow?
Heh, Harv, find a sponsor to outfit the kids.
They're a sight for sore eyes, 'ya know?
James Caan
Judging by the wacko expression on Caan's face, I expect the sculptured collar tips featured above, are considered kind of nifty to the former heavyweight actor of yesteryear.
Notwithstanding that glaring gaffe in fashion protocol, it's obvious the freckled-faced firecracker doesn't bother to pass himself before a mirror before exiting the front door.
If he did meet the challenge, just maybe, he'd notice that his lapels are spreading wide and the jacket is pullling at the shoulders.
What does that hint at Vegas hotshot?
Your jacket is too small!
Instead of reaching for the booze, James, why not drop into a local haberdashery and get outfitted for the
New Year?
If anything, you'll be stimulating the economy!
Simon Cowell
Didn't bare hairy chests go out with Italian gigolos back in the sixties?
Ah yes, the Roman Spring of Mr. Cowell.
Does the American Idol afficionado think that this fashion disaster cuts it in tony Tinsel-town?
So, you think you can dress, eh?
Ron Howard
Opie, I love 'ya, but the grizzly- man look has worn a little thin
And, the bland polyester windbreaker screams out over-the-hill gang!
If you're inclined to shuffle around like a bag man, at least pamper your skin a little, for your wife's sake.
It's screaming for moisturizer, dummy!
Otherwise, in two seconds flat, you'll be given Clint Eastwood a run for his wrinkles.
Robert Pattinson
Handsome is as handsome does, alright.
Yeah, the heartbreak kid hhas got the looks and a smattering of that special "something" often referred to as the "it" quality.
But, Robert, you look like an unmade bed!
Hook up with "Details" or "GQ"; they'll set things right.
In the meantime, a little pressing (or hair-combing) wouldn't hurt.
Bob Dylan
It was tough going.
In fact, I nearly posted legendary folk singer - Bob Dylan - on the worst-dressed women's list!
Ah, the scarf pictured here is a subtle reminder of his checkered past!
Yes, I get a bit nostalgic for those heady bohemian (unisex) days, too.
Donald Trump
I imagine when you meet Mr. Trump in person that he smells of bar soap and stale hairspray.
So, the stuffy suits - and over-the-top accessories he sports ad nauseam - only add to the fashion victim's snake charm.
In fact, didn't Trump inspire the phrase "Sharkskin Suit"?
The golden rule in business and finance is to "Dress for Success".
So, "The "Donald" opted to trump 'em all, and "Dress for Excess".
If clothes make the man, Mr. Trump is a boyscout.
Jonas Brothers
Not one, but three fashion victims.
Bad taste must run in the Jonas family.
There are a multitude of fashion faux pas here - buttons that pull too tight at the jacket, a riot of colors that clash, pant legs that drag the floorboards - you name it.
Maybe they should re-title their band "The Three Stooges'.
Since a couple of the boys have their sleeves rolled up, I suggest they get to work on their fashion persona; after all, it's sagging miserably.
Bottom line, it's not cool to be out of the fashion loop (on the teeny-bopper scene, for starters).
As they say in Show Business, that's all folks!
'Til next year, be well, eh?
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