Golly, one of my favorite luxury Casinos in Las Vegas in now following me on Twitter!
And, I'm not even a "whale".
What would the powers-that-be on high think if they discovered that I've been plying my coins away in their lowly penny slot machines?
Just betcha, I'd get the heave-ho.
Notwithstanding, personally I feel right at home whenever I stroll through Caesar's Palace, and for good reason.
Avid readers of my blog may recall that in a previous post, I noted I may have been Julian 1st (Flavius Claudius) in a past life.
So, whenever I step into the Forum it's kind-of-like a flash of deja vu, if you get my drift!
More importantly, now that I'm on management's radar, maybe I'll be able to rustle up some front-row seats to a dynamite show or weasel my way into an elegant suite @ rock-bottom prices!
Hail Caesar!

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