Manuel Roig-Franzia did an extremely informative article about this for the Washington Post, where he wrote:
Bloody bodies -- slumped at steering wheels, stacked in pickup trucks, crumpled on sidewalks -- clog nearly every frame of the music video that shook Mexico's criminal underworld.Washington Post story, here.
Posted on YouTube and countless Mexican Web sites last year, the video opens with blaring horns and accordions. ValentÃn Elizalde, a singer known as the "Golden Rooster," croons over images of an open-mouthed shooting victim. "I'm singing this song to all my enemies," he belts out.
Recently, these drug gangsters posted a video on YouTube of one of their rivals being decapitated.
Of course, the money to do all of this is obtained by sending their wares (narcotics) across our Southern border.
While everyone debates the illegal immigration issue, we have something (far more sinister) to worry about. In fact, the sheer number of illegal people crossing (perceived by many of us to be harmless) probably enables a lot of (not so harmless) people to cross, also.
There is no doubt, many of the illegal immigrants are innocent souls -- but as long as we allow criminals to control our borders -- we aren't doing a very good job of protecting our own citizens.
The step daughter of one of the gang leaders (Jefes) producing counterfeit documents, Suad Leija, has a message about this to all of us, which can be read, here.
Counterfeit documents are one of the factors that enable this problem (not very secure borders) to pose a danger to us all.
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