Recently, there were a lot of people bashing DHS because of the raids at the Swift meat packing plants. There were allegations that only 65 of those "detained" were charged with crimes, and that everyone else was "hard working and innocent." Of note, the associated press just reported that this number is up to 220, and DHS is still investigating. Just being here "illegally" is considered an "administrative matter," and not a "crime."
AP update, here.
Could this mean that some of the "fake identification" is of such "high quality" that it's taking time to establish criminal activity? It also might point out that the rights of those being charged are being considered, carefully.
After all, we live in a country, where people have rights.
DHS has maintained that the raids were part of a much larger investigation into organized crime and the mass production of fake identification.
I've always taken the stance that I have nothing against hard working people trying to make a better life for themselves, but that we can no longer afford to let criminals control our borders.
And besides hard-working citizens having their identities stolen, and used for illegal purposes, we have to consider the threat to national security. In 9-11 - several of the terrorists involved - used forged documents to enter the country and obtain legitimate identification.
In July, I did a post about how organized the mass production of fake identification is. According to the stepdaughter of one of the ringleaders of the organized crime ring behind it - they consider terrorism an "American problem."
The stepdaughter (Suad Leija) is now making the "YouTube" arena, and you can hear what she has to say, here.
CNN also did an interesting story (available on YouTube), which shows how easy it is for "anyone" to get fraudulent identification, here.
Also included is a lot of evidence that some of this fake identification is so good, it easily passes muster at a border crossing, or airports. Of note - the video shows card reading technology used a liquor store - which catches a lot of these fakes and points out that it isn't in use at our airports, or borders?
Maybe this is something DHS could look into, further?
I also did a post - where a writer from Colorado - who is an identity theft victim wondered aloud - if she was one of the people arrested at Swift?
I wonder if any of the critics of the Swift raids has had their identity stolen, and if this became the case, they would be so quick to judge the actions of DHS?
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